
HPI schlägt “Digitalschulen” in Deutschland vor – Bildungsoffensive nach dem Vorbild …

HPI schlägt “Digitalschulen” in Deutschland vor – Bildungsoffensive nach dem Vorbild …

HPI Hasso-Plattner Institute

HPI saves "Digital schools" in Deutschland vor - Bildungsoffensive nach dem Vorbild von Musikschulen

Potsdam (not)

One of the digital pictures in Germany is a separated fortschritte of the Hasso-Plattner-Institut in a position paper of the “Digital Schools” for. These instruments supplement the regulations for regulating music and art education and digital compositions at schülerinnen and schülern in the German fördern.

The soul of digital schools is that young people will not make their formal debts more intensive than the digital expenses. With digital schools a practical application of Lernumfeld can be obtained, while young people make non-business digital competition meritorious. These years will increase the debt burden and, for example, with cooperation also support learning resources for their digital education themes or acquire learning spaces for digital themes for schools. These new education institutions are to ensure that all female and male students have a similar entry into advancing digital education. State secretaries state that older children can no longer start, but that there is a low-level problem for all children and young people.

There is a misrepresentation of these components that can increase the involvement of the digital schools. All you can do is anchor the positioning paper in a special digital school or in the best music school. A separate company is a company that cooperates with different initiatives, start-ups and other external partners. Öffentlich-private Partnerships (Public-Private Partnerships) can help you, effectively bundle and strengthen expertise and resources.

Professor Patrick Baudisch led the research area “Human Computer Interaction” at the Hasso-Plattner-Institut and initiated the Position Paper. There is a great chance that the music school is a Bildungsangebot gelungen, while the digital music player can develop. The digital music school can complement the regulations of the digital generation schleunigen and look at the Digital-Standort Deutschland.”

You can find the combined Position Paper here:

If you are interested in an interview with Prof. Baudisch, please contact [email protected].

Kurzprofil Hasso-Plattner-Institut

The Hasso-Plattner-Institut (HPI) in Potsdam is a German university center of excellence for digital engineering ( The joint digital engineering faculty of the HPI and the University of Potsdam has reached a duration of 800 study days. With the bachelor’s degree program “IT Systems Engineering”, the digital engineering faculty can include a different practice and software-oriented computer science study. In the three master’s degree programs “IT Systems Engineering”, “Digital Health”, and “Computer Science” an independent study can be carried out. In the CHE college rankings, the Digital Engineering Faculty is placed on the top spot. The HPI School of Design Thinking, the short d-school is Europe’s first Innovation School for students following the lead of the Stanford and a few years ago 160 Places for a supplementary study one. The HPI School of Entrepreneurship, the short E-School, supports and motivates study, the potential unternehmerische ways of thinking and acting that you recognize and find useful. A stronger focus is on the transfer of ideas and digital technologies into customer- and market-oriented products and startups. There are 22 professors and professors and 50 other classes and dozens of students. It is an excellent university for Research – in part of the research schools in the HPI research schools for doctoral studies with their research subsidiaries in Kapstadt (South Africa) and Irvine (California), where they collaborate with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), at Stanford University and there Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Health at Mount Sinai (HPI-MS) in New York. The focus of HPI teaching and research is the foundations and applications of larger, more complex and networked IT systems. Let the development and research useful innovations for all life areas come.

The Hasso Plattner Institute is a lighthouse project of the Hasso Plattner Foundation, which is concerned with the deep overseas, innovative and Bildung positive social walking effects can have. The wiring of the HPI is exemplary for this mission. You cannot undertake projects in the area of ​​Science and Bildung if the foundation is located in the area of ​​Social and Nature Conservation, which includes Art and Culture.

Press contact:

[email protected]
Leon Stebe, tel. 0331 5509-471, [email protected] and
and Joana Bußmann, Tel. 0331 5509-375, [email protected]

Original content from: HPI Hasso-Plattner-Institut, added to the news