
The Product Worker: What did I do as a Product Owner in the first week?

The Product Worker: What did I do as a Product Owner in the first week?

First women in a new role as Product Owner can do their job. If a new Product Owner sees the opportunity to herausforderungen, the time that the product worker leads to a certain opportunity, the chance that the product is produced so that he can remain saved for a long time and can have an effective company. In the follow-up discussion of Dominique Winter and Oliver Winter four stories, the orientation is on the first world of the world.


Before anyone gets to work, the Focus must lie, the context of the products and the organization of its existence. It all starts with getting to know relevant stakeholders, the product vision and the experience of the involvement in clearing. This phase extends over the foundation of all new books and other developments, where foundation differences connect to their costs.

Due to the context, which is considered as Product Owner, it is clear that the products for the product tentwicklung are defined. You can play the backlogs in the team of a central rolling team by the construction of the backlogs. If this problem occurs, it is a matter of time to buy, the equipment and the priorities that are set are solved.

A higher pillar in the Product Development is the Trennung of continuous Delivery (Product Delivery) and the discovery of new Options and Solutions (Product Discovery). Both go hand in hand. Because the focus is on coming up with ideas in the team of anchoring and preparing, the Product Backlog is so interesting that you can enjoy it as an exploratory research.

It is a shame to determine the outcome. Both podcasts are cashed in on the episode, this is just one set of the sprint souls, because they all have a good overview of the product goal, quarters or KPIs. These are all used as a clear direction and ermöglichen es, the forward progress to reflect and adjust regularly. What applies to both here is that you can no longer view forms.

Oliver Winter and Dominique Winter can use an idea and a hand with the next product owner, however he starts up and the next path for a successful product development can be actively shaped.

7. Product Owner Day, Online Conference, November 4, 2024

7. Product Owner Day, Online Conference, November 4, 2024

(Image: deagreez/

Who can make agile product management better? At the Product Owner Day on November 4, 2024, there is a theme that focuses on product strategy on startup experience with customer focus and product-market fit. The conference of dpunkt.verlag and iX focuses on a Product Owner and Product Managerinnen, the agile foundations know and bereits Erfahrung in der Role mitbringen.

Tickets are given at the Frühbucherpreis.

The active podcast publication said on the product worker’s blog: “Was mache ich als Product Owner in de eerste week?”.
