
Vineus Wine Award 2024 – Hagenbrunn: Stefan Gilg zum Nieuwcomer-Winzer kürt

Vineus Wine Award 2024 – Hagenbrunn: Stefan Gilg zum Nieuwcomer-Winzer kürt

Stefan Gilg was invited to win the year for the newcomer

Die Vineus-Sieger: Thomas Panholzer, Newcomer-Winzer Stefan Gilg, Angelika Ponecz (Trinkwerk-Goliath für “Weitzer Betriebe”), Newcomer-Sommelier Moritz Huth, Willi Sattler (Vineus-Lebenswerk), Erwin und Lorenz Tschermonegg (“Genuss Erlebnis am Weingut“), Andreas Hayder and Gerald Santer.

Mila Zytka for Transgourmet

STefan Gilg from Hagenbrunn is the Vineus Award 2024 – the prize for the wine culture – to be a Newcomer-Winzer of the Year.

Fachleute und Weinliebhaber from all the world’s treasures of the Austrian wines for unique character and high quality: The Vineus Award is yours for your people, your wine culture will be preserved. Der Gastronomie-Großhändler Transgourmet verlieh heuer bereits zum 13. Mal diesen Preis: In fünf Kategorien wurden am Montag (23. September) Winzer, Sommeliers and Betriebe ausgezeichnet, who pregen the Austrian Wein durch ihren Einsatz massgeblich.

The title “Newcomer-Winzer” was presented by Stefan Gilg (31) from Weingut Gilg. There has been a family relationship in Hagenbrunn since 2021 with a woman in the nunmehr celebrated generation. A southern part of the Bisambergse operation was carried out by Hektar Rebflächen and involved auch oneinen Heurigen. If we have a “special Trinkfreudigkeit”, the power is perfect for the Vertrieb in Gastronomy. From the high quality of the prizes, such as other „Salon“-Bundessieger, „Vinaria Trophy“-Sieger in Gold and „A la Carte“- Grand-Cru-Sieger.

Besonders Muskateller and Merlot überzeugten

Gilg has eleven different reactions and is regionally typical: the Schwerpunkt with white wine is placed on the green veltliner and welschriesling; the Riesling-Flächen are truly delicious. There is a jury with a curated portfolio, the award ceremony of the Gelben Muskateller 2022, of the Jungwinzer one of the following animations and the fresh paint is so that the Merlot Reserve comes from the “Top Vintage” 2021. the 18-year-old Ausbau in the new Barrique-Fässern from French Eiche.

The sweaty prize “Newcomer Sommelier” has been awarded by Moritz Huth, the einkauf and the wine carts in the Wiener Huth-Betrieben. The “Enjoyment Experience in Winemaking” category, which has been in place since 2023, would lose a wine tasting from South Styria. The Weitzer Hotel Group (Styria) works with the “Trinkwerk Goliath” for extensive Leistungen in Sachen Wein and Weinkonzept ausgezeichnet. Das Lebenswerk has developed Willi Sattler vom Weingut Sattlerhof in der Südsteiermark.