
Start in Wien: 280,000 euros raised from Harley-Davidson Charity Tour

Start in Wien: 280,000 euros raised from Harley-Davidson Charity Tour

From 14 to 18 August and 27 August Harley-Davidson Charity-Tour stat. The biker tour through Austria, an edition for muskelkranke Menschen zu sammeln. My journey started in Vienna and ended with an expenditure of 280,000 euros.

VIENNA. Many people find the annual Harley-Davidson Charity-Tour (HDCT)-statt. The Mittlerweile 27. Biker-Reise brought the Teilnehmenden from 14. to 18. August through a large Teil Österreichs. The Charity-Tour took place in the year 1996 by Ferdinand O. Fischer, who did the expenses for muskelkranke-people. The money comes from the financing of therapies, Hilfsmittel or Autoumbauten.

The Tour started in Vienna with a breakfast at a sponsor, Siblik Elektrik, before his new Simmeringer Einkaufszentrum and his partner went to his eleventh. Dort Wurden is no longer moderator and DJ Alex List empfangen, without even having an extended environment of prominent Unterstützern.

The Biker has earned 280,000 euros for sick people. | Photo: Thomas Csincsich/ Harley-Davidson Charity-Fonds

Take the Gründer der Charity Tour and the time of the Geschäftsführer Ferdinand O.Fischerthere were also people like Barbara Wussow, Christoph Fälbl, Tony Rei and district pastors Thomas Steinhart (SPÖ) present. Before you notice the first checks, before 200 Biker Wien verlosen and further after the Wiener Neustadt flight.

The Tour Verlauf

That journey makes a journey through Wien and Wiener Neustadt to Aufenthalte in Bad Radkersburg, Köflach, Schladming, Gmünd in Kärnten, Lienz, Sankt Johann in Tirol, am Hochkönig, Attnang-Puchheim, Obernberg am Inn, Ried im Innkreis and fand seinen Schluss in Linz. Like so 400 Cyclist according to the Tour part and the different Standorten of the Sponsors are provided.

There are 400 bikers in the Charity Tour section. | Photo: Thomas Csincsich/ Harley-Davidson Charity Fund

Part of the state of affairs would be to review the expenditure checks and make expenditures unresolved 280,000 euros. In the Septemberstattfindenden European Bike Week we will spend more, before the Charity Year with the HDCT Gala on November 16th in Vienna.

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