
AI Boom at Google, Amazon and Co – Has Big Tech Launched the Rendite Fall?

AI Boom at Google, Amazon and Co – Has Big Tech Launched the Rendite Fall?

Huge Hall with People on Laptops (Photo: Freepik) AI Boom at Google, Amazon and Co - Has Big Tech Left the Rendite Fall?

There are some investment strategies that are skeptical about the high AI investments. (Photo: Freepik)

Alphabet, Amazon, Meta and Microsoft are investing over $150 billion in AI infrastructure. The question is whether the big tech conglomerate will deliver a stable return on capital (ROI).

There are some investment strategies that are skeptical about the high AI investments. If you think that the financing of Tech Giants and the capital returns in the next years will improve the German economy.

The investments in the AI ​​infrastructure are newly acquired

In the first years, the investment costs of Alphabet, Amazon, Meta and Microsoft have risen to 104 million dollars. There is a set an increase of 47 percent to the previous year. Microsoft has put the investments in the quarter of the last century at 78 percent. Alphabet can start with an investment round of 91 investment projects that have a major impact. Amazon, the largest AI investor at Microsoft, plans a number of investments in the future, a new AI service on the market.

The CEOs plan to do something: if they don’t want to buy more, because they give the investments interest, they have to trade more. The risks of underinvestment are greater in Germany than overinvestment, but if they are recrystallized, the investments are as big as they were. Amazon CEO Andy Jassy has chosen generative AI as the “best technological solution for the development of the Cloud”.

KI-Investitionen became available in Umsatz-sichtbar

Microsoft is the driving force behind the monetary development of the AI ​​service and can perform an uninteresting trade. Azure AI Services is working on projects in the field of the AI ​​Berggleiter copilot in Q8.

Amazon has no chance to enjoy, the concrete seems to be aimed at the KI-Bereich on the Milliardenhöhe.

The Google Mother Alphabet has found AI pursuits in the billion-dollar realm, uninterrupted by the integration of AI into cloud and work services.

The Facebook group Meta finds its still in a early stage. Acceptance by AI services is an overshoot. If you are in a learning phase and have to recognize, who invests in the infrastructure for AI, will probably be used. Meta concretely, this new language model requires more research resources and therefore investments are necessary.

Hohe Investition in Datenzentren and internationally

The big investments fly in the recruitment of foundations, in the construction of research centers, in chips and energy. The development of the AI ​​infrastructure uses all international markets. Most Amazon and Microsoft are strongly active internationally, and also Alphabet and Meta follow each other, one of the competition steps stops working.

Microsoft has invested 16 million US dollars in Germany, France, Malaysia, Spain or Indonesia in Australia. The separation, which is strong in the AI ​​infrastructure in Australia, is intended to invest, so that the strong global demand for AI technology is served. These studies are notorious, a study in the regional regions, in the direction of the change to cloud computing, has been completed. Soul is, faster working times as well as data protection and security to be desired.

Attack Questions

If you want these high investments to be made, it will be better. All investments are made in the Kapitalausgaben. The capital intensities became zunehmend kapitalintensiver. Bisher was the technology developer who did not develop hardware, personal and know-how.

The worry, if these high investments take a long time before the profit comes out of the company, is justified. Ebenfalls is in the middle of the Kapitalrendite leiden. If the high interest multipliers with their capital-intensive business models are in the foreground, it will get better first. If you are concerned with the strategic investments of Alphabet, Amazon, Meta and Microsoft, then you can use your best Wissen and Gewissen. If you have no more resources and can do everything, you can earn your money by distributing your money and an even more profitable way into the future.

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