
vom mondänen Tegernsee and the Autobahnraststätte

vom mondänen Tegernsee and the Autobahnraststätte

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vom mondänen Tegernsee and the Autobahnraststätte
On the road in his Geschäft: Christian Jürgens (here nor another Wirkungsstätte) is a künftig offenbar voor Dinzler am Irschenberg-tätig. © THOMAS PLETTENBERG

Christian Jürgens, the long-time chef at the Sterne Restaurants in the Seehotel Überfahrt in Rottach-Egern, is in the clear. There is a Kaffeeröster and Gastronomiebetreiber Dinzler am Irschenberg-tätig.

Vom mondänen Tegernsee und die Autobahnraststätte. Who is for those interested in the industry medium ahhhh Reports that Starkoch Christian Jürgens has found a new Betätigungsfeld and is now included in Diensten der Unternehmens Dinzler in Irschenberg. Dies covert itself with Informationen unserer Zeitung. Message is sent from ahhhh-Ableger Food servicethat Jürgens functions as a gastronomic director. The 55-year-olds are another in the “laufende Recruiting-Aktivitäten”-eingebunden. Die würde auch durch Stellenanzeigen deutlich, in denen Jürgens als Ansprechpartner was generated.

Starkoch vor der Rückkehr in die Küche

No Tätigkeit, der Jürgens nachgeht. Laut South German newspaper is a Küchen-Chef in VIP-Bereich of Adele-Konzerte in Munich, on the Platz for 1000 Personen. When the Vitznauerhof in the Vierwaldstättersee in Switzerland organizes a Withe Night Kitchen Party, the war Jürgens will come as a Special Guest, as a high decorative Koch (three Michelin Stars, 19.5 Gault-Millau-Punkte) in an illustrated Runde.

Dinzler is still sliding

Jürgens’ engagement at Dinzler does not intend to do it first, but it seems that there are a few weeks. The prominent people who are involved in it – or if they are schmücken -, will no longer exist for the rest of the world. Die ahhhh-Anfragen dazu (“more”) blieben unanswertet, heißt es. If there is an active action, look at the following information about a year in Aussicht, dementiart aber auch nicht.

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Who is at Dinzler for recruitment, also the Gewinnen of Personal, seems to have good luck at the moment. Job postings find their own chef and so working dishes as Sous Chef, Commis de Cuisine, Chef de Partie (Koch) and Pizzaiolo. If you are a coffee star, it takes longer to get a program. Neben Gastronomie, Laden, Rösterei and Verwaltungsräumen have been busy on the Autobahn since 2018 with the companies that Otto has taken under his wing, where Barista-Kurse became and a seminar and event event was opened. Selbst Konzerte finds at Dinzler statt, just a piano – evening in the restaurant. With all these things, which are carried out 200 months later, a Strahlkraft has gone over the region and is its own Ausflugsziel.

Übernahme des Egern 51 kam nicht zustande

Gewissermaßen hat zumindest das Jürgens’ new mit seiner alten Wirkungsstätte in der Überfahrt in Rottach-Egern gemein. Remember that you will end up in the Hotelinhaber-Gruppe Althoff of ihrem Starkoch, after all im Mirror Vorwürfe bezüglich des Umgangs Jürgens’ mit seinen Mitarbeitern laut. The following years were governmental sanctions, which were still resolved, although there were only a few hindrances to the consequences of punishable penalties. Make sure that Jürgens come out of the Öffentlichkeit zurück. Zwischenzeitlich war davon die Rede, dass is das ehemalige Egern 51 übernimmt, woraus aber nichts wurde. There is a “real orientation phase,” said Jürgens in our Zeitung in February. If all goes well, this phase is no longer so good.

Nach dem Aus in Rottach-Egern: “Extremely stressful situation”

In an interview with Gault & Millau Im Mai sprach Jürgens über das schwere Jahr, das hinter ihm liest. „The fact that I have my own understanding of my work and a good understanding of my situation, I am educated, and I am guided by it. Allerdings could be erroneous Vorwürfe erhoben. Days where I live. The situation is for my family and my enormous burden and revaluation“, what matters. When painting the koch-ze-ent-täuschung, with self-criticism, a small part of the time would now have a negative influence on the development of the Leidenschaft for Kochen. „It is my life.“ Man sollte meinen: So you started yourself not damit, so that you are with us, we are still with you. There will be a decision as to what will be placed on the table.