
The Crush House Criticism – Gamereactor

The Crush House Criticism – Gamereactor

Seen from the opening team of The Osbournes and two teams of Orange Country Choppers (who were giant champions of Switzerland, Father and Son Teutul and were absolutely hilarious, haha), reality TV is not my thing. It will not work anymore. If you have been making a program and planning for 25 years, has my viewing led to a good result? No chance. Big Brother, Survivor, The Farm… Everything they do is no longer alive and of course a gift from people, the shows have never been as good as that is not the case. You can find the best friend of “Love is Blind” and “Der Bachelor” in the favorite series. If it is normal that the TV host in the living room is busy for a while with following the reality shows of 98-zoll-images (with all, was that so), I feel fast sofort dümmer. So verdammt schlecht finds these Sendungen today.

After all, I should not have rated The Crush House. I am the false person for this job, and in many ways it was taken for granted that this entire text should be seen as a great failure. We have the idea that Big Brother has appeared in a simulation game. Now that it is not so long ago that we end up in a wonderful gaming world, while my game with the Vorstellung brings a product of his life, there is a bang from the Strandhaus-herumklappert and verwacht, remarkable 24-year-old age to bring, for the Fernsehkamer as my other rumzumachen. And then I think it is a great time to start with The Crush House.

The Crushed House

Welcome to Big Brother: The Game, that’s the small part of The Sims, a prize Animal Crossing and a Hauch of Our Life Kreuzt. Your role as producer is, the production and everything, was heard, from the house of the überwachen, in the young, well-aussehenden Menschen live – überwacht van een vielzahl van Kameras and Mikrofonen, die je Leben en Verhalenten in den new world draußen projizieren. Since 1999, the people are hungry and emotional in The Crush House. Your job has been taken over and the developer has received as many sim aspects as possible packed in the Role des Produzenten. Man must ask himself, if he has everything in house, was man busy looking at the time, man had to open the publikum with the right inhalation, the right display, the drama and the right focus on the editorial at the launch, and man had to get sponsors and Werbetreibende at Laune. But if that is not the case, a man and a woman are recruited in the hardcore game mode.

Here it is a matter of more and more, it will be difficult. There are ground-breaking ideas, one of the bigger games that is now an “Animal Crossing for Adults”, is clear, the idea is swallowed and in a single mistake fallen or there is thought about the production that is made. Leader. Often the game was told that the game did not even make a best choice or did not even come close, it was so that the next question on his einprasselt and his brand name, Zeit and Geduld erfordert – more than you. The Crush House plays a role in another game in the year 2024, and I think at its core that this is a verdammt langlauf Wandersimulationsspiel, in the man who now has a house kriecht in a gemächlichen tempo, in his fun, who children’s book characters spread, exchange or generate, it fell so light and fell often.


The Crushed House

There is Lichtschimmer. Behind the Glitzer, the Glamour, the Leuten, the herumknutschen, and the dramatic Fernsehzuschauern the House of a dark secret, which my previous trieb and that my dazu brought, to his last dabei bleiben. The power of Nerial was never as great as in “Twist”, was of course intoxicated, but not really handy, it is a fact that the games are a problem with “Kill your darlings” and that there is a problem with the reconstruction hacked nor gemahlen wirkt. Although there was never a design of the design made, the mangle and the realism in the art and the well-being, while the human and the house itself were not so good, the leader was no longer glassy, ​​he was still a success. The sound is not so good, the Leute in the House is a bisschen with the Minions who play real voices/real speech and are small music, quickly standard.

If you notice all the problems with The Crush House, this is a problem with optimization, which is one of the biggest problems with Devolver’s dating history, the problems of which have been solved and solved. Note, it is so that the concept is considered the outflow, if the reconstruction can no longer be representative, then it is difficult to work. The simulation of superuseless, which reality TV actually an unübersehbar signal, as a man thinks, who may be a racing chariot, trolle with a breiten Axe in the head of his or other striking ammunition with large calibrated ammunition.