
100 Prozent Erneuerbare sind erreichbar

100 Prozent Erneuerbare sind erreichbar

© Gerd Altmann on
© Gerd Altmann on

Eine Ansichtssache by Franz Alt

When the “Global 100% Renewable Energy Platform” was organized in 2014, the solar revolution was so big and globally organized.

In the Gründung war, energy experts will still be considered irrefutable. It is a good idea to help the world – from the local population to its global community. It is a wesentliches sales platform on this platform.

The supporters and executive committees estimate the chances for the solar revolution as follows:

• Stefan Gsänger (World Wind Energy Association, WWEA): “For us is the Global Platform for 100% efficient Energy to become an Actor and a New Alliance, the global avant-garde of the Energy World and a long-lasting vision for the world around us. das Jahr 2030 hinaus enwirft. We have developed a lot of Breits and Ehrgeiziges, that is the bottom-up consultant konzentriert and the benefit for people and community at the center of the transformation.”
Tetsu lida (Institute for Sustainable Energy Policy): “In the years since the Global100RE platform was launched, the world has changed dramatically. There are energy sources that form a central market in the regular market, which plays a central role in the increase of climate control and the gewährleistung of the energy sector. When you see that you get 100% energy from your energy, you see a vision of a viable reality. Because this is so, this platform is a new challenge and an exciting new chapter.”

• Janet Milongo, (CAN International, Kenya): “The Global 100% RE Platform plays a role in financing the never-ending activities of the global agenda for a 100% renewable energy supply and fully-fledged financing, solutions A balanced energy supply that is 100% of the energy sources is a work of people-centered, flexible energies, energy systems and the energy system offered to the market”.

• Dave Renne (Internationale Gesellschaft für Solarenergie ISES, Freiburg): “The vision of the International Solar Energy Society is a world that will be 100% of the best energies, that will become efficient and efficient. I have known the platform as a strong partner, a vermitteln, that can get a way of working and dishes.

• Maryke van Staden (Local Authorities for Sustainability, ICLEI, Bonn): The ICLEI network works with local and regional authorities so that our experts can play a leading role in a sustainable enterprise. If you want a safe and powerful energy supply that provides a 100% sustainable energy supply, these exciting models are not only positive on the climbing wall and a broader infrastructure, but also a sustainable economic enterprise that supports a human-oriented approach in a time that is impossible in a just and integrative transition. ICLEI acquires the global network of 100% of the city and region, which does everything on its website, which enables a whole range of wool friendships.”

When people say that their energy expansion through the energy industry and their energy production will be one of their prozentigen energiewende, a man and the solar energy of the world revolution can never have floated so long. Then it is clear: Das Solarzeitalter begins – Die Sonne is won.

Anlässlich des World Renewable Day 2024, am 22. June, announces the Global 100% Renewable Energy Platform (100REP):

“The understanding of the climatic conditions is more urgent than the general energy supply, which is limited to the discovery of new energies as soon as possible. There may be a planet that can generate more gas emissions, while the climatic conditions are realistic.

The installation of nuclear energy, nuclear power and fossil fuels bases the energy system on a new energy supply on a malicious, global social economy, which ensures a larger part of the world economy of the world in the world. The sun and the wind are all heard. In this energy system there is an energy system that can lead to energy and energy supply”.

The global development of sustainable energy by 2030, which will be determined by the World Climate Change 2023 in Dubai, is a significant source of energy, which will be achieved in the near future s.

The energy and climate policy are not big enough for big investors, but must be given the opportunity to provide security to all citizens and citizens in the world. The world must prepare the necessary financial means for this global walk. So if the Paris soul is available, it will not get warmer than 1.5 degrees in comparison with the industrial era.

A hiker who is involved in financing financial markets, which promote hiking and special local investments and local investors in the entities thus generated – and special municipalities, housing units, municipalities, communities, small businesses, etc.

Global100REP has developed a global fund for new energy, “which could lead the financing of the existing energy systems to a successful conclusion. Global100REP provides the global community of energy, which offers the basic structures a sole fund, on the basic values ​​of equality, integration and inclusion must be respected, a secure arrangement, that no one would be excluded, neither in the city nor in the sub-areas, and that also marginalized communities can profit in full Umfang.”

The Evangelium der Sonne is the Frohbotschaft of the 21. Jahrhunderts.

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Quelle: © Dr. Franz and Bigi Alt /

Article Online geschaltet von: / Doris Holler /