
Clinics in Fryslân: Cooperation with Wilhelmshaven prüfen

Clinics in Fryslân: Cooperation with Wilhelmshaven prüfen

The Frisian National Kreistag will prepare a collaboration with the Fryslân-Kliniken with the Klinikum. The financial reforms and the Krankenhaus-Reform have increased the pressure enormously.

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Friesland/Wilhelmshaven – Construction of the financing of the clinic and the existing Krankenhaus-Reform activities see all credit fraction and massive hand-lung treatments. That was stated in the Aussprache german.

Trendsetter registration

“It is a good clinical care for their security,” says Sören Mandel (SPD), Speaker of the SPD/Grüne/FDP-Mehrheitsgruppe: “We are now looking forward to further improvements. Aber we were prepared to take further steps – we were guided by the Frisian, conscious road.” Mandel was concrete in our approach, that Friesland with the Entscheidung zur Strukturreform der Friesland-Kliniken is well established and – unlike Wilhelmshaven – “the Trendwende” is one thing.

Let’s say, “we can’t die without long delays,” says Dieter Janssen (SPD) with Blick on the Millionen-Beträge, with Danes from the Landkreis such as Trager das St.-Johannes-Hospital Varel and das Nordwest-Krankenhauses Sanderbusch stutzt : „If we consider all possible cooperation options, we will soon be able to do so.”

Best possible shipping

“I am the center point of all support, the best possible care of people must be,” said Sigrid Busch (Grüne). One of the options you can use is that your purchase is not possible.

“Unser Job is es, solutions can be found,” says Axel Homfeldt (CDU). In the background of the theme of the Kreistag in an external department, you may ask yourself: “What options we have?” What about the consolidation of the Friesland clinics?

“Think verbote sollte bei der Prüfung der Kooperationsmöglichkeiten nicht geben”, said Hendrik Theemann (FDP), might be clear: “Friesland is not coming for the Defizite and Debts in Wilhelmshaven auf.”

No merging

The Wort „Fusion“ would not work – to Karl-Heinz Funke (Zukunft Varel) is however still needed. There has been a treatment in the clinic with an abduction, while the stool with the excessive debt on the debts of Wilhelmshaven connected.

It’s me, so Funke, as “Optimism not brought at all”. The Bund and the Land and the German Bundestagsabgeordenten have at their disposal all the provisions necessary for the implementation of cooperation.

Janto Just (Freie Bürger) stimulated the Beschlussvorschlag “with greater Erleichterung” until an end to the external Fachleute fragt würden and Wilhelmshaven was finally occupied: “My Ideal is: a Krankenhaus for the Region”, said Just.

Martina Esser (Grüne) spoke of a historical tag: “Now we have a good way to go, neutral and happy with the health benefits of our environment.”

Jörg Grabhorn