
Heiraten unterm Hakenkreuz – in Regensburgs Herzogssaal ist’s möglich » Regensburg Digital

Heiraten unterm Hakenkreuz – in Regensburgs Herzogssaal ist’s möglich » Regensburg Digital

In the Herzogssaal on the Domplatz the original copy is hung. Restoration of the war in 1940 and said Nazi propaganda including Hakenkreuze. Because history lasts longer, it may even be that it comes to an end.

Heiraten unterm Hakenkreuz – in Regensburgs Herzogssaal ist’s möglich » Regensburg Digital

1940, when the Wandteppich rediscovered the German invasion of Poland. In 2003, an additional copy was made, which hung a major error in the Herzogssaal. Photo: private

Der Herzogssaal in the Herzogshof, located on the Alten Kornmarkt and Domplatz in the Herzen der Altstadt, directly at the Achat Plaza Hotel, met with the artists and representatives of the Veranstaltungssorten in Regensburg. “The core of the original Herzogssaal was born in 1220 from the Wittelsbachern new structure”, it is stated on the homepage of the Pro Gastro GmbH, which regards the Saal as a tenant. “With a historical ambiance” is “the perfect location for exhibitions and events that promote art – even with a beautiful atmosphere, Bayerian traditions or geschäftliche Banquets, Meetings and Business Events”.

In June we were in the presence of the Stück “Auf der dunklen Seite des Doms” in Rahmen des Bürgertheaters aufgeführt und Stadtrat Hans Teufl (Grüne) ware, so said there, quickly vom Stuhl fallen, if there sah, was the ausladen Teppich an der Wand des Herzogssaals says. „I am truly erschrocken“, so Teufl gegenüber unserer Redaktion. This one isn’t that historic, but not that long. Since 2002/03, Tatsächlich has been dealing in copies of a number of wall paintings loaded with nationalsocialist propaganda – including stylistic Hakenkreuze.

Dollinger saga ridicules Nazi propaganda

Vordergründig said about the Teppich a Szene aus der sogenanten Dollingersage, derzufolge der Regensburger Hans Dollinger in Auftrag von Koning Heinrich I. de heidnischen Ritter Krako abwehrte. This is an unmissable attempt at transgressing Nazi Germans in Poland 1939. The Teppich takes place in the deutschen Namen damas eroberter Städte including Gdańsk (‘Danzig’), Krakau (‘Krakow’) and Katowice (‘Kattowitz’). Shield and rosary of the sigreichen Ritters say styled Hakenkreuze.

In the meantime and the recovery of the war in 1941, the original version of the Reich Postal Directorate Regensburg was hung. Spiritus Rector war of the NS Kreiskulturwart and Museum Director Walter Boll, under the leadership of the Herzogshofs department and its Dompost omgebaut. The erhalten gebliebene Herzogssaal is in one of the “schöpferischen Denkmalpflege” Romanische Fenster, willkürliche Säulen aus dem Museum-Depot and historic Blindfenster – so enstand of the heutige Splendorsaal, in the Regensburger Geschichte and deutsche Identität vermittelt bzw. pin was solved.

Responsible: NS-Kulturwart Walter Boll

This situation is no longer known among historians. Another is expected in the publications of historians Peter Morsbach (Regensburg) and Karsten C. Ronnenberg (Cologne), who notes sufficiently, that is perhaps the case in Regensburg, under Hakenkreuz zu heiraten. Greater thematization would already be the work at the Exhibition “Broken Boll” in the new art association, which in the year of the urban development Jakob Friedl and Max Erl would be the organizer and its author Robert Werner would give the beige-beige text hat, which for this research zurückgegriffen haben would take care of.

Sogar Walter Boll publishes his ideas about matters and earns it as a municipal promoter of the painters “REGENSBURG”, from 1955 to 1983 in four layers in the area “DEUTSCHE LANDE – DEUTSCHE KUNST” and “DEUTSCHEN KUNSTVERLAG”.

Entwurf comes from überzeugtem NS-Anhänger

Zurück geht der Wandteppich auf een Entwurf des Münchner Professors Karl Heinz Dallinger, der “weer in seiner Biografie nor in seinem Oeuvre Berührungsängste gegenüber dem Nationalsozialismus” said habe, who Ronnenberg ausführt. “A large group has put an end to propagandistic activities.” In the NS-Presse, Dallinger was 28 years old in 1935 in a very clear way: “Weltanschauliche Haltung en Festigkeit anyway Einsatz for the National Socialist State: Einwandfrei!” Since 1933, Dallinger has disappeared.

The remainder of the 1937 abrogated Dukes’ Courts. Walter Boll has found a historical overview of the Dukes’ Court case in his first Stockwerk. Photo: rw

In ihm habe die “Bewegung” an “überzeugten Vertreter gefunden, den man – wäre er als Künstler zu greater Berühmtheit gelangt – als een prägenden Gestalter der Ästhetik des Nationalsozialismus betrachten müsste”, so Ronnenberg in a kürzlich erschienenen Aufsatz (“The ‘Goldene Bar ‘im Haus der Deutschen Kunst 1937“).

For this Ästhetik of national socialism the support for the erwähnte Wandteppich, der (since 2003 as own published copy) ohne irgendeine Erläuterung an der Wand des Herzogssaals hangs.

Teppich and Saal heard from einer privaten GmbH & Co KG

One of the city services and the green fragments that Daniel Gaittet hangs up with Dollinger-Teppichs and drops in the museum, connected with a statement, must share an Absage with Oberbürgermeisterin Gertrud Maltz-Schwarzfischer. There are people who “have no trouble processing the veranlassen”, but it is a matter of attention with the city press. Provide a direction on the back of the herzogssaals and verweist the individuality.

You can hear the city of Regensburg in the Herzogssaal in the original copy. All die in person at the Eigentum der Domplatz 3 and Kornmarkt 10 GmbH & Co. KG, ursprünglich in Regensburg gegründet, heute mit Sitz in Planegg im Landkreis Munich. Geschätzter Jahresumsatz: gut three Millionen Euro.

Geschäftsführer respond nicht

Gesellschafterin ist de Beteiligungs und Verwaltungs GmbH, alleinige Kommanditistin eine Steuerberatungsgesellschaft, both in Munich. There is a message by e-mail about the Nazi teppich in my Räumen that the responsible Geschäftsführer nicht responds.

The most important thing is that the only problem with the Herzogssaals is that you find it difficult, Guest under the Hakenkreuz. After the TechBase Regensburg had received a tag at the end of 2023, postete man im Nachgang zunächst nog freudig image of history in history. If there was a comment made about the fact that the NS-teppich in the background is not so suitable, the beitrag would be most suitable.

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