
Try to do it with paracetamol at home

Try to do it with paracetamol at home

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A 36-year-old mother from Wales has undergone a short reconstructive operation after the doctor performed a fehl diagnosis. Now fehlers were eingeräumt.

Bridgend – Women die in Germany more often from a heart attack. If you have made an analysis of the statistical federal offices, the annual report of the German Society for Cardiology (DGK) has gone around the world. Demnach has ensured that women have chosen a heart attack as a man, while they have a high star. Fundamentally, it is a gender-specific support in the care situation in the heart and faeces medicine.

It is a matter of 36 years ago that a woman from Wales won her life. The muttering children are one of the main causes of her illness, while the sister of the patient is no longer accompanied home with the Schmerzmittel paracetamol. The doctors should report more media reports will have caused a “trapped nerve” – a diagnosis of failure, although the woman took her risks. Mittlerweile räumte the örtliche Gesundheitsbehörde Fahler ein.

Mumble a bit of a child’s experience when it comes to diagnosis after a diagnosis: “I don’t really care about my heart”

Die 36-Jährige habe im März 2020 den Notruf gewählt, nachdem sie first Schmerzen im linken Arm and then in the Brust verstpürt habe, wie the British Boulevardzeitung The Sun messageete. After being with Blaulicht at the Princess of Wales Hospital in Bridgend, there was an ECG and blood pressure test during the treatment. Daraufhin soll der Arzt has said: “Gehen Sie nach Hause. You have a nervous feeling.” Wenige Stunden später starb in de eigenen vier Wänden an einem Herzinfarkt.

A young woman is quickly getting to work, we will have a hearty hat.
A mother (36) of children who had a heart attack, after they had received a doctor with paracetamol in the house. (Symbol image) © YAY Images/Imago

Sandra B., die Mutter der 36-Jährigen, erzählte der Boulevardzeitung: „Der Arzt hatte keinen Bluttest gemacht“, and fugte hinzu: „Wäre a Bluttest gemacht be, hätte man sie retten können.“ Stattdessen habe sie dem Arzt vertraut, der ihr nach der Fehldiagnose Paracetamol verschrieb. Ihr unerwarteter Tod with that Angehörigen heart: “The Auswirkung dessen, was a Person not getan hat, that ourserer Familie das Leben zur Hölle gemacht”, painted B. “Sie hätte nicht sterben müssen.”

Herzinfarkt ends for young Mutter tödlich: Gesundheitsbehörde räumt Fehler ein

The general health care of the university Taf Morgannwg is now the Verantwoordwortung for the death of the young mother. Allem Anschein nach wies sie Symptom is a symptom of Coronary Syndrome auf. If you want “aller verifilichkeit nach”, when Tests are performed during the test and are no longer used, then the Boulevardzeitung Daily Mail das Schreiben. „We speak of the family with a positive impact on our lives“, i.e. a speaker of health care.

Was it an acute coronary syndrome?

A short-term corona syndrome is a very strong heart attack, while the blood flow through the brain is strongly reduced or blocked. It often passes through narrowed or blocked heart coronary arteries, the heart with blood supply. The main symptom is a strong bronchitis, which has a bad effect on the headache. A gentler treatment can be the corona syndrome of the heart attack and to death Führen.

Source: National Institutes of Health (NIH)

The autumn of the Todesursache will officially end in July 2024. The Family of the Verstorbenen has an Entschädigung of 130,000 Pfund, an amount of 154,000 Euro. “Money and power is not better, but if you live without stress, that is what it is like,” the 36-year-olds clearly stated. It may be that your single child is unable to cope with the stress and needs to take care of his or her recovery. (customer)