
Rudolfshütte: Möglicher Kaufinteressent brought Hoffnungsschimmer

Rudolfshütte: Möglicher Kaufinteressent brought Hoffnungsschimmer

The Rudolfshütte and the Zugehörige Bergbahn in Uttendorf im Pinzgau are closed at the end of the summer season. If hotelier Wilfried Hollei is now aware of the information, this is the case. Ursprünglich wolllte er die Bettenzahl deutlich erhöhen. That is not the case, damn the Bahn besser ausgelastet ist – so the Begründung für das Vorhaben. But one Einspruch der Landesumweltanwaltschaft (LUA) has “brought the Fass zum Überlaufen.” Kritisiert hatte Holleis außerdem das Land, dem is mangelnde Unterstützung für die Weiterführung vorwirft.

Landsteigt nicht in Seilbahn- und Hotelgeschäft ein

Mittwoch will now meet with Landeshauptmann Wilfried Haslauer, LH-Stv. Stefan Schnöll (alongside ÖVP), the Uttendorfer Bürgermeister Hannes Lerchbaumer (SPÖ) and Vize-Ortschef Günther Lerch (ÖVP). Holleis has a low age and a divorce for the Erweiterung Mittlerweile Zurückzoet, he is one of the Buro des Landeshauptmanns on S24-Anfrage am Donnerstag. A landowner in the Seilbahn and Hotelgeschäft has given an absage to politics. This is one of the many financial problems that are not possible. It is not the first time that the LUA has been used to a greater extent. Für das Vorgehen des Pinzgauer Hoteliers have the Landeshauptmann designation “kein Verstandnis”.

Möglicher Kaufinterestessent für Rudolfshütte gefunden

Women may now have a different problem. Haslauer has had a potential capital interest. ‘If we deal with a group, it can’t happen again. Finanziell en fachlich were een umbrella hotel- und liftmöglich“, erklärt der Sprecher des Landeshauptmanns. Holleis’s contact dates and potential matters can be carried out.

A Schließung von Hotel und Bahn von einem Tag auf den alles scheint außerdem but nicht in Stein geeißelt. „Holleis was ready for a new sanften Übergang. If you have had a winter season where everything is stehen and lie, which I understand everything about, it is a Haslauers Büro. When the country begins to invest, it is investing in the yields of the fall.

Gemeinde fürchtet finanziellen Schaden door Schließung

Some people would have a problem with future financing, while Stubachtal’s hint was influenced, American mayor Hannes Lerchbaumer said in the S24 interview. For years, 60,000 nights could have been lost. The community has an income of 200,000 and 250,000 euros. The regional economics depends on it. This concerns the food trade, the backup or the fly army and the installer. It is true that a bigger house keeps getting bigger. If tourism in Pinzgau does not flourish, he is a man for a man bigger problem.

If the Hotelier Holleis and the interest in the sales of Rudolfshütte and Bergbahn became a thing of the past, I would like that. The Holleis war for SALZBURG24 is not over.

(Quelle: SALZBURG24)