
MÄRKTE USA/Starke Einzelhandelsdaten treiben Wall Street an | 15.08.24

MÄRKTE USA/Starke Einzelhandelsdaten treiben Wall Street an | 15.08.24

NEW YORK (Dow Jones) — Extremely strong single-handedness dating around Donnerstag on the Wall Street for a rally. Since July 1.0 has been spent on the shape of the form, and it has been very strong since it has cost 0.3 per cent. These single-trade data are important indicators for the growth of the US trade and the influence of the economic development of the US business, which will ensure the future of the business market. Am Markt is strengthened with the data on the basis of the information provided by the US note bank that is written on September 25, 2018. Basic points are written and a large amount of writing is made of 50 basic points.

The Dow Jones Index is worth 1.4 percent with 40,563 points. The S&P-500 rises to 1.6 percent and the Nasdaq Composite improves to 2.3 percent. The results are equal to 2,167 (Mittwoch: 1,613) Kursgewinner und 644 (1,171) -verlierer gegenüber. Unverändert schlossen 59 (84) Title.

The risks associated with high inflation and increased labor risk are reflected in the views of the presidents of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis who operate in Waage. The US Notebook is subject to strict restrictions monetary policy zu lockern, said Alberto Musalem. That’s one more thing because of the Fed-Vertreters, that’s one thing Sensation In September, while the weather is clear, the atmosphere is still unforgettable and the shock comes.

Other Konjunkturdaten liefern uneinheitliches Bild

No clear trends can be added to the message tags that are available in US data. They are willing to spend time on work without having to go back to work. Im Vergleich zur Vorwoche fiel die Zahl um 7,000 auf 227,000. Volkswirte hatten einen lighten Anstieg auf 234.000 forhergesagt.

The import price will be in July without the weight and the price of the product will be 0.1 percent and the price in June will be 1.6 percent on the level of the standard. Economics here have a monatliche Preisstagnation forecast. Die Industrieproduktion ist in July days without a German factory.

Moreover, the low level of the US industry in the Philadelphia region in August started as a result. Derweil ist die Geschäftsaktivität des verarbeitenden Gewerbes im Großraum New York im August höher als erwartet gewesen. Die Lagerbestände für Juni trafen exactly die Erwartungen.

Walmart and Cisco are available

Appropriately, the starken Einzelhandelsdaten are also as good as new ones from Walmart. So that the sole handlers spend time together during their stay and enjoy their pleasure. This was also added to the Jahresausblick. For the action, it was about 6.6 days later.

Die Papiere von Cisco Systems risen um 6.8 Prozent. Umsatz und Gewinn im vierten Geschäftsquartal layers black under the Vorjahreswerten jedoch over the Erwartungen of Analysten. The expertise of the telecommunication and network specialists in a restrukturierungsprogramm.

T-Mobile US (-0.9%) has to pay approximately 60 million US dollars in the USA. Since the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States has been consulted, the information is open to the public, and the conclusions are open to reporting.

Dollar nach Konjunkturdaten fester – Renditen steigen

Am the market power of the Dollar after the Einzelhandelsdaten deutlich Boden gut. The Dollar Index improves itself by 0.4 percent. These dates say that the US-Wirtschaft weiterhin im Wachstum determines and could the US-Notenbank dazu veranlassen, that Zinsen moderater zu senken, als bislang vom Markt erwartet, here’s that. Dies stützte den Dollar.

Am Anleihemarkt risen die Renditen nach de öffentlicht US-Daten deutlich. Die Rendite zehnjähriger Papiere erhöhte sich um 8.2 Basispunkte auf 3.92 Prozent. “With the good shopping dates for July, the pressure will be aggressive and the business cycles of the Fed will be taken into account”, according to the Economics of Wells Fargo.

Auch die Ölpreise laiden nach de kräftigen Vortagesabgaben wieder zu. The price for the Sorten Brent and WTI increases is 1.5 percent. With the good Einzelhandelsdaten flauten that you will find out more clearly about the future. These goods were prepared during the early days of the unearthed experiences of the US Öllagerdaten. This means that the continued geopolitical risks are – for all in the East.

The Gold Prize came quickly. The price for the additional costs amounts to 0.3 percent of 2,455 dollars. “With a possible insight into the horizon, it was possible to sink these new asset classes. Gold nor attractive power,” said Alex Ebkarian, Chief Operating Officer at Allegiance Gold. The greatest success in the future of economics is the result of strong economics, geopolitical tensions and the youngest market volatility that an army will continue to experience in the “sicheren Hafen” Gold.


INDEX will be +/- % absolute +/- % YTD

DJIA 40,563.06 +1.4% 554.67 +7.6%

S&P-500 5,543.22 +1.6% 88.01 +16.2%

Nasdaq Comp. 17,594.50 +2.3% 401.90 +17.2%

Nasdaq-100 19,490.15 +2.5% 467.47 +15.8%


Laufzeit Rendite Bp zu VT Rendite VT +/-Bp YTD

2 years 4.10 +13.9 3.96 -32.3

5 years 3.79 +11.1 3.68 -20.9

7 years 3.83 +9.9 3.73 -14.3

10 years 3.92 +8.2 3.84 3.8

30 years 4.18 +5.3 4.12 20.6

DEVISEN Zuletzt +/- % Thu, 8:45 Mi, 5:31 % YTD

EUR/USD 1.0973 -0.4% 1.1010 1.1023 -0.7%

EUR/JPY 163.55 +0.8% 162.17 161.75 +5.1%

EUR/CHF 0.9571 +0.4% 0.9532 0.9522 +3.2%

EUR/GBP 0.8536 -0.6% 0.8573 0.8584 -1.6%

USD/JPY 149.06 +1.2% 147.26 146.75 +5.8%

GBP/USD 1.2855 +0.2% 1.2843 1.2842 +1.0%

USD/CNH (Offshore) 7.1825 +0.5% 7.1563 7.1388 +0.8%


BTC/USD 57,115.55 -3.1% 58,140.85 59,144.45 +31.2%

ROHÖL jijetzt VT-Settlem. +/- % +/- USD % YTD

WTI/Nymex 77.94 76.98 +1.2% +0.96 +9.3%

Brent/ICE 80.92 79.76 +1.5% +1.16 +7.4%

GAS VT-Settlement. +/- EUR

Dutch TTF 39.65 38.90 +1.9% +0.75 +19.6%

METALLE jijetzt Vortag +/- % +/- USD % YTD

Gold (Spot) 2,455.33 2,447.94 +0.3% +7.39 +19.1%

Silber (Spot) 28.35 27.63 +2.6% +0.72 +19.2%

Platinum (Spot) 957.15 924.50 +3.5% +32.65 -3.5%

Kupfer-Future 4.14 4.04 +2.5% +0.10 +5.0%

YTD bezogen auf Schlussstand des Vortags


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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 15, 2024 4:17 PM ET (8:17 PM GMT)