
New York Action: Nur Dow Sees the Trend Trend

New York Action: Nur Dow Sees the Trend Trend

NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) – Zum Start in de nouvelle Woche is de US-Börsen (ETR:) überwiegend Verluste verzeichnet. For all the technologies we use during the future. Leitlich der Leitindex Industrial The vote itself is the poor Stimmung and notierte two Stunden for the Börsenschluss kaum changest at 41,165.55 Punkten. For the market knitters went es um 0.51 Prozent auf 5,605.66 Punkte nach unten. The technology tricky one lost 1.30 Prozent auf 19,463.72 Zähler.

The Swiss Bank UBS (SIX:) has probably and verweistically placed the US stock as support on the Friday of the US-Notenbank Fed in view of the established leadership and a total healthy profit expectation at both companies. The signal from Fed President Jerome Powell for an enthusiastic zinswende has organized the week for the buying flash on the market, the higher and lower the zinsritte can go better.

Coca-Cola (NYSE:) erreichten am Montag a Rekordhoch and führten den Dow with a Plus von Zuletzt 1.5 Prozent an. The defensive geltenden paper of getränkeherstellers has ended up in the zurückliegenden, but it is more stable if it stabilizes in the swinging phases. The market acquisition Anfang August can convey the small blessings.

The oil action Chevron (NYSE:) and ConocoPhillips (NYSE:) gewannen 0.7 beziehungsweise 2 Perzent. The oil price extends over the background of the other long spannte Lage in Nahen Osten zu. Make sure that the management in Eastern Libya puts an end to oil production and the export of crude materials

Paper from E-Fahrzeugbauers Tesla (NASDAQ:) sank a four Percent. Canada will be sizing up Electric cars from China with a number of 100 products. Experts who want to help Tesla export Chinese factories by producing cars from the US are working on their production.

With Quartalszahlen in die Woche am Mittwoch nach Börsenschluss der Chip- und KI-Konzern Nvidia (NASDAQ:) further in Blick. After the powerful Kurszuwachs am Freitag, the Anteile on Montag achieved a 2.5 Prozent nach.

A 29 Percent Kurssturz sold to the shareholders of PDD Holdings the week beginning. The mother group on the online marketplaces can make sure that you are warned. There is a greater re-expansion, the expansion rate of the competition with Bytedance beizubehalten, this is a von expert.