
Who is the best of the laptop-akku-herausholt

Who is the best of the laptop-akku-herausholt

Who is the best of the laptop-akku-herausholt

Who is the best of the laptop-akku-herausholt

© Getty Images/Chaowalit466/istockphoto/futurezone

A possible long Accumulation time don’t play on smartphones anymore on a role. It is a laptop that is a separate factor. Leader is like that, that battery in running its useful life begins a its ursprünglichen Kapazität einbüßen. These Degraded Ones lie in a hole chemical processesdie beim Auf- und Entladen in de battery abspielen.

Beachtet man this some points When using a laptop, the battery life lasts as long as it stays high.

➤ Read more: Damage induktives Loading the Handy-Akku?

The 20-80 rule

Extremely painful for the health of batteries is a Depth charge – even if the Akku is completely interested, the soft drink itself is Gerät von self-switched off. Ebenso wenig ist es für Batterien züträglich, if man is busy even longer charged to 100 percent.

Daraus eribt sich follower Richtwert: For the long-lasting Akkugesundheit sollte in Akku zwischen 20 and 80 percent of the time were – also not deep-loaded and possibly completely loaded. This rule is gold-plated for Handys.

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Under the “i” at “Battery Health” the “Optimal battery charging” function is activated.

Protection mechanism

This prevents the man from dying 20 percent market slide, expensive in the most cases can be possible. When charged at 100 percent is a bit different.

Often people work on the laptop, no matter what connected to the power cord is and is completely ready. Most repairers have done one thing intelligents Battery management integrated into their laptops.

The drawer is filled with 80 and 100 wads that are possibly clean. Equal time prevents that, if Damage starts, if the Gerät is connected to the Steckdosis for a long time.

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Intelligence loaded

In the system settings of laptops you will find a large number of options, that is Optimize energy managementWho can perform these settings depends on the jewelry repair.

As a rule, one of the battery devices “Akku”, “Batterie” or “Energie” is installed. Normally it is the case that “add intelligently“ ohnehin standardmäßig activated.

Reinforced man a laptop for a certain time in a Schublade, a man engaged in setting the Akku between 50 and 80 percent steh. If all goes well, the battery chemical can contain bean sprouts in most cases.

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Under “Login Items” e.g. “Login Object” is possible when the program is started automatically, after the MacBook is installed.

Storing the battery

When the fundamental aspects are abgesehen, it is natural, then Energy consumption is lightum with an Accumulation so long that he can remain through time. Here is a first Stelle, the man who is busy, the man is not good, it is not that his jewelry clicks away.

Often the program is also active unnoticed in the background and beanspruchen dadurch den Akku. These apps are usually started automatically when the laptop is installed. If the human is prevented, he can die in the installation that is fully executed.

On Windows-Notebooks go man in the settings of the menu „Applications“ en ruft das Untermenü “Start automatically“Phew. Make sure the automatic start of the jewelry is no longer active. If it is good MacBook findet man dasselbe in den Einstellungen below „General“ and “Reporting Objects“.

➤ Read more: 5 Gründe warum de Handy-Akku so langam lädt

Find energy refresher

Energy refresher is always the open Tabs in the Browser programs like Safari, Chrome or Edge. There are no tabs available that you can use to reduce the flow. It looks better Image clarity so, it is a good idea to make an energy consumption hat. If the display is dark, look at the battery life.

When you work, the apps and that Operating system activates your stopsThe recounters are no longer safe due to the updates and bring in new functions, as a rule it would be expected, the energy consumption will be sent.