
Verein in Kelkheim: Fußball-Jugendtrainer unter Missbrauchsverdacht |

Verein in Kelkheim: Fußball-Jugendtrainer unter Missbrauchsverdacht |

A youth coach has a football association in the Main-Taunus-Kreis, so that minors are sick. When age 28 makes the Monaten mistake. Der Verein is the best.

A Fußball is located on a Fußballplatz.

Image © picture-alliance/dpa

Ermittlungen are the 28 year old Jugend-Fußballtrainer der Gymnastics and Sportfreunde Hornau e. V. in Kelkheim (Main-Taunus) was launched in May 2024.

It is the best of the sexual education of young children, the representation of the Abgabe of Betäubungsmitteln and Minderjährige, the Staatsanwaltschaft Frankfurt and the Polizeipräsidium Westhessen in Freitagabend mit. These plans will be completed from 2022 to 2024.

At least four Fälle

There is an accusation in the minds of four fallen men who are less sexually active. If you do this, the young person from the consum of the Betäubungsmitteln is verleitet haben. The young people tend not to let the trainer play anymore, so the Ermittler.



00:41 min. ||Daniel Bauer

Image © Imago Images|
zur Audio-Einzelseite
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The Verein informs us about our own Freitag together with the Kriminalpolizei Wiesbaden die Eltern about the mutmaßlichen Vorfälle. To the blessing Internet page explanation of the TuS Hornau, concerns about the progress made during the 28 years.

Trainer von all Aufgaben is composed

“Unser Verein verurteilt jegliche Form von Gewalt und Missbrauch auf das Schärfste”, here it is dry. If you are a respectful and responsible business owner, the safety of children and young people is your top priority.

“Unmittelbar nach Bekanntwerden der Vorwürfe” since the Trainer with better working experience all the time. The Mann-War nach de Vereins “in de Bereich der A- und B-Jugendmannschaft”-tätig.

Viele Einzelheiten cannot remain unanswered

The Amtsgericht Frankfurt had the 28th anniversary of his life on August 28, with a full term of the term on August 14. Seither sitszt der Accusation in Untersuchungshaft. Ermittlungen become even longer.

It is possible that the Ermittler appeals to the Datenträgern, while the during the financing of the case. This may be another option, but it is not safe.

A Speaker of the Staatsanwaltschaft Frankfurt said at the Samstag that a number of recognized grounds could no longer be authorized.

Martin Pesch

hour INFO,

Quelle:, dpa/lhe