
Youth organization: Junge Union: Erfolg der AfD bei Jungen nicht verwunderlich – Startseite

Youth organization: Junge Union: Erfolg der AfD bei Jungen nicht verwunderlich – Startseite

The AfD war in the Landtagswahlen in Eastern Europe goes further than the Jungwählern war. The chef of the Jungen Union has a sense of responsibility.

Stuttgart (dpa/lsw) – The head chef of the Jungen Union in the South-West finds the legacy of the AfD among young people in the East, not least. “That is not surprising at all,” said Florian Hummel about the “Schwäbische Zeitung”. “Educated young people see the migration policy of the world, perhaps even more like 30 or 50 years. They are no longer aware of the Bahnhöfen,

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