
Merz and Söder for the migration-migration

Merz and Söder for the migration-migration

After the Messerattacke von Solingen, the leaders of the Union parties demand separation in the migration policy. “Es reicht!”, said CDU chief Friedrich Merz at a Veranstaltung in the Landtagswahlkampf der CDU Sachsen in Dresden. “More is not more acceptable, a pure Worthülsen, a pure Sprüchen, an dummen Redensarten bis zu pure symbolic political Entscheidungen.”

Am Freitagbend, at a Stadtfest in North Rhine-Westphalia Solingen, three people were received with a Messer and eight people were lost. Mutmaßlicher Täter is a 26-year-old Syrer, who sits in the bottom seat. The Bundesanwaltschaft goes into the Mordes and ways of the Suspects of the Mitgliedschaft in the Terrormiliz Islamic State (IS) – the advertisement for the Anschlag in itself.

Soder: Brauchen keine Mahner, son Macher

While I was here an angry criticism of CSU leader Markus Söder, when he was hit, complained and said, the man went on and the end was nothing in Germany. “It is a power that no longer has a power, it is ultimately needed for our country.”

I do not want to say that Messer has seen this problem, “son de Leute, die met zijn herumtragen, en worthy of reasoning”. It seems that you have received the e-mail newsletter. “We do not want more or less, if the Bundeskanzler respects his office and removes damage from the German people”, says the Union faction leader. And if Scholz would think more in his own coalition, “then I could say that the 197th members of the CDU/CSU Bundestag faction are following every sensible proposal”.

Scholz will solve the problems that come with his freedom, “and then find a sense of unity in the German Bundestag for a sensible policy,” said Merz. “We would like to meet new arrivals in Germany and not come back again.”