
North Rhine-Westphalia: Schulministerium sieht NRW well prepared for the G9 Endspurt

North Rhine-Westphalia: Schulministerium sieht NRW well prepared for the G9 Endspurt

North Rhine-Westphalia
School Ministry sees NRW as a good candidate for the G9 Final Sprint

More Schools, more Teachers, more Spaces – who will clap with the Umstellung of G8 on G9 in the launch of the bet?

Düsseldorf (dpa/lnw) – After the Umstellung of eight on a new annual rule and the North Rhine-Westphalian Gymnasium (G8/G9), the G8-Jahrgang started in its last debts. Sowohl das Düsseldorfer Schulministerium als auch der – überwiegend Gymnasiallehrer organisierende – Philoloogverband sees a positive Zwischenbilanz.

The one in Schuljahr 2019/20 has organized a number of new ideas for the grammar school and “geräuschlos”, which the debt secretary Urban Mauer as the state representative of the Philologenverband, Sabine Mistler of the Deutschen Presse-Agentur in Düsseldorf, has considered. Only three grammar schools have given the mothers a malicious option, when G8 in 2005 in NRW G9 was removed.

If you are free to separate all divorces, write about the Schrittweise ab dem Schuljahr 2020/21 write about the current affairs Bedarf hinaus Lehrer einzustellen, how both reform. I am Schuljahr 2026/27 during the installation of the G9 erstmals that stood in a gymnasium for eight years. There are 42,000 students and students who attend high school gymnasiums. Ab dem Schuljahr 2026/27 was run by 3,300 sister Lehrerstellen benötigt.

Gymnasiallehrer parks und unterversorgten Schulen

After the debt ministries of NRW have adopted the plan: a new debt burden is a stage weise of 3000, so that the preparations for the implementation can be carried out. If the way to the gymnasium is opened, the other large schools will form another debt. It is one of the things that Mauer has done. So the gymnasium and the apprenticeship clean planning security and the other schools temporary support.

An overview of these Vorgriffsstellen after the Vollausbau from G9 to Schuljahr 2026/27 complete with Verfügung Stünden, bleibe abzuwarten, wandte Mistler ein. “Denn es gibt auch Lehrkräfte, die an ihrer Abordnungsschule bleiben.” Actually, the gym started in 2000.

Trotz des rechnerischen Überhangs fehlten und fell Gymnasien Fachlehrer. It was reported that “mancherorts that the safety of the schülerlaufbahnen became more efficient”, the Verbandsfunktionärin warned. “Der Lehrermangel hatte und hat Einfluss op de optimal Ausgestaltung von G9.” Dennoch has the parallel instruction of G8- and G9-Schülern “insgesamt gut funktioniert”.

Klassenwiederholer zwischen den Stühlen

A öffentlichen und private Gymnasien in NRW wurden im Schuljahr 2023/24 met een Schulministerium bound 507,000 Schülerinnen und Schüler unterrichtet, davon fast 80 Prozent im new G9-Bildungsgang – der 1st wird im Year 2027 Abitur machen. Before the Übergang period, landsweit 95 would have been connected to the gymnasiums for class organizations and debt forms, which are never implemented in the system again. The debtor has no debt whatsoever to the debtor of the Oberstufe (der G8) who is in the Mittelstufe (the new G9).

I lost the Schuljahr wurden by insgesamt more as 5600 Schüler in the Einführungsphase unterrichtet. “With the model of the Bundelungsschulen there is a positive message, which is important for the gymnasiums to be organizationally reformed, solutions will be funded,” Mistler said.

Grundsätzlich has the class in high school, in another school education of high school: the school education of the high schools and the gymnasiums of the vocational training courses do not plan to wage war, but here there is no school in the bundleungsgymnasium.

Schon 259 Millionen ausgezahlt für zätzlichen Schulraum

If the costs for such a debt burden are in the G8/G9 Umstellung, it is possible that the land government is a Gutachten in the Auftrag. Because the Fundamental Law has given the Landtag a tax relief act for a year, the debt of 518 million euros is collected for entsprechende Investitionen zusichert. “The money has earned more money, it has brought in 259 million euros in the coming years 2022 to 2024 as financial support for major investments”, the Schuldministerium der dpa wrote.

If debts have been incurred, you can now put the finances on Antrag. In the meantime, more than 10.5 million euros in collateral are prepared to be paid.