
7 Product information and your bed deutung

7 Product information and your bed deutung

Environmentally friendly, regionally restored, acid- or fat-reduced: These are the words that the manufacturer or packaging of your product seeks. The product characteristics may be opaque and opaque for display. If you are looking for information about knowledge and skills at the Verbraucherzentralen Betriebenen Portal or about Mitbewerbern at the Wettbewerbszentrale.

»Often known about a Verbraucherbeschwerde die Kennzeichnung«, says Stephanie Wetzel, project coordinator in »Lebensmittelklarheit« at the Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband in Berlin. Mitunter schäftigen de fall aber de Rechtsabteilungen der Verbraucherzentralen – etwa dann, when the Verbraucherschützer de Abmahnen or sogar gegen si vor Gericht Ziehen, damn they spoil the knowledge.

It is possible to recognize products that are formally unable to use the product, consumers and consumers in the Irre zu führen. When you are in the packaging, you can do the following:

1. Zuckerreduziert, weniger Zucker, ohne Zucker

In Lebensmitteln mit der Kennzeichnung »Weniger Zucker« or »zuckerreduziert« 30 Prozent weniger Zucker als in vergleichbaren Erzeugnissen enthalten sein. De Angabe “ohne Zucker” heißt, dass der Hersteller dem Product keinen zätzlichen Zucker in Form von Haushalts-, Milchoder etwa Fruchtzucker hinzugefügt hat. “Lebensmittel would now be used as acid-free food, if it does not exceed 0.5 grams per 100 grams or per 100 milliliters,” said Nadine Schreiner, Syndikusrechtsanwältin at the Wettbewerbszentrale. Make sure you can act dairy-free yourself by Lebensmittel Zucker.

Hinzu comes: »Many consumers and consumers appreciate that the recognition “without sugar” is equally valid with low calories«, said Stephanie Wetzel. It is no longer the case that autumn falls. Often other good quality products, such as the sugar substitute Xylit, which is used as sugar, are never calorie-free.

2. Tied up, tied up

The products “fettarm” and “fettreduziert” were used in the food industry. »Gemeint ist, dass ein Lebensmittel höchstens drei Gramm Fett pro 100 Gramm Lebensmittel or der höchstens 1.5 Gramm Fett je 100 Milliliter flüssiges Lebensmittel enthält«, so Wetzel. Fettarme Milch is 1.8 Grams of Fett per 100 Milliliters of enthalten. “Fettreduziert bedeutet if not unspecified, the product is healthy,” said Wetzel. When the pleasure of the wonderful aromas is present, the scent of the fragrance is often softened for longer.

3. Regionally divided

The kennzeichnungen »regional regestellt« or the »regionalen Höfen« can be unrefuhring. Denn was regionally bedeutet, ist laut Schreiner nicht gesetzlich festgelegt. Black could be a Verbraucherin, who has made a product in Stuttgart with the inscription “Aus regionaler Herstellung”, davon ausgehen, that the Erzeugnis from the Gegend um Stuttgart or south of Baden-Württemberg origins. If you visit Ludwigsburg or are about 170 kilometers away, Konstanz is unclear in Zweifel.

If all was not well: A product that has been restored in Baden-Württemberg with the benefit of the knowledge that it will benefit from, Schreiner clearly states.

4. Natural

A product that the reseller has with “natural purity”, the Schreiner must have restored with 100 products from substances, which is in the natural range. Other additives are not available.

5. Without additional substances

»Without colouring agents«, without »artificial aromas«, »without flavour enhancers«: Solche Angaben finds its high quality in the packaging of food. »Consumers and consumers therefore win the final result, it can all be that the work or the intensification of the effect takes place«, said Wetzel. No repairer has made an incredible claim while cooking, some way of working has the idea that the substance is not known. Wetzel can be one of the Rote-Bete-Safety activities, its effect.

6. Made in Germany

Is a product with »Made in Germany« recognized, »must be noted that the maßgebliche Restellungsteil des Erzeugnisses in Deutschland are tested«, says Schreiner. When you do this, there is no celebration, no matter how high it is in Germany, before you make the effort. The festival also states: “”Made in Germany” is not a long way from being a product in the smallest detail here, so Schreiner said.

7. Climate neutral or extremely friendly

If you do not know that the reseller has a product on the packaging with the einzelnenwort, “climate neutral” or “environmentally friendly” bewirbt. Statistics should make a good impression, while it is climate neutral or extremely friendly, says Schreiner. Andernfalls is still not available.

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