
Natural science: Climate change for people in the western world

Natural science: Climate change for people in the western world

"A weltweite Catastrophe creates a Paradise in Gefahr"said Uno-Generalsekretär António Guterres. (Archive image)
“A world-class disaster will bring about a paradise in the future,” says Uno-Generalsekretär António Guterres. (Archive image)


The Meeresspiegel looks, the Ozean is erhitzt sich and verauert: The Western Pacific has begun to follow the climbing hikes as other parts of the world, where the region has the beige beige hat of the region, with the message of the Weltwetterorganisatie (WMO).

The Meeresspiegel had risen from 1993 in the region of 10 to 15 years Zentimeter, quickly twice as grim as in the world of the breakthrough, so the WMO about the climate axis in the western region of Pazifik 2023.

The region is located in the Southern Southern Region, Australia and Neuseeland, in the state of the state in Pazifik, and the Fidschi-Inseln, Vanuatu and Tonga.

Heat sources in the lake

The higher temperature of the lake is in the north of Neuseeland and in the south of Australia between 1981 and 2023 more than 0.4 years old, dreamily as grim as in the world of time. Heat waves in lake tauchten are twice as high in the long term, that they are more intensive and last longer. It intoxicates fish and coral reefs and promotes the toxic water algae.

If the pH value in the lakes drops – with others Worten: If you are austerity, it is possible that the CO2 emission will increase. It is possible that coral reefs disappear, the costs for erosion disappear and the best fishing results are achieved. After the reports from the Aloha station in Hawaii, the versions between 1988 and 2020 have been more like zwölf prozent, with the WMO report.

“Paradise in Danger”

“A whole new disaster will lead to a paradise in the future,” says Uno-Generalsekretär António Guterres. “Der Ozean läuft über, und de Grund dafür ist bright: Treibhausgase, überwiegend door de Verbrennung fossiler Brennstoffe, bring de Planeten naar Kochen.”

While the rising Meeresspiegel loses the domestic kitchen streaks, and through the stärkere and häufigere Stürme, an überflächen überflutet and Süsswasserreserven through the Salzwasser were kontaminiert, roads of Versauerung sink the Erträge beim Fischfang. Manche Inselstaaten furchten, that they became unoccupied. The Inselstaat Kiribati has built a country on the Fidschi-Inseln, a Bewohner doing his job.

Seventh-day Adventists