
IPO: Delivery Hero will bring Talabat-Geschäft into Dubai and the Börse | 29.08.24

IPO: Delivery Hero will bring Talabat-Geschäft into Dubai and the Börse | 29.08.24

FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) – The Essenslieferdienst Delivery Hero will bring Marke Talabat to the Börse in Dubai. It became an experience in four weeks, including the MDAX notes at Donnerstag in Berlin. Unter der Marke Talabat loves Delivery Hero in the United Arab Emirates, in Nahen Osten and in North Africa Essen and Alltagsgegenstände aus.

On the Tradegate trading platform, the Delivery Hero promotion emerged from the Xetra closing price at 7 percent an./ngu/stk