
Ukraine News: Ukrainian Behörden organize Evakuierungen in Donezk an Region – Politik

Ukraine News: Ukrainian Behörden organize Evakuierungen in Donezk an Region – Politik

Massive Russian Luftangriff in Ukraine

Russia will shoot Ukraine out of the sky en masse with Raketen, Marschflugkörpern and Drohnen tomorrow. If you are one of the most popular people in the Ukrainian Republic, go to the most verletzte. There were people in Luzk in the West of the Landes, in Dnipro in the East and in Saporischschja in the South. In the main city of Kiev, the areas of Schytomyr, Khmelnyzkyj, Ternopil und Lwiw were reported to have explosions, which were reported by the official Air Alarm App. In Kiev there is a problem with the power and laundry server organization, which Bürgermeister Vitali Klitschko mitteilte op Telegram. The washing server care can be quickly repaired.

Beobachter sprechen von one of de schwersten Luftangriffe seit Begin de Russie Angriffskrieges. Laut dem ukrainen Ministerpräsidenten Denys Schmyhal kamen 15 van 24 Regionen des Landes unter Beschuss. Main war will destroy the energy system of the Ukraine. In more steep country areas you can reach Stromausfällen and Notabschaltungen. Russia has taken over 100 rockets and more than 100 rockets from Ukraine, President Volodymyr Selensky said on Telegram. Selenskij-rief of the Unterstützer der Ukraine is an Abmachungen of the Lieferung of Luftabwehrsystemen and the Raketen of halts.

The leader of the Ukrainian Luftwaffe set up the Russian Army with eleven long-range bombers. Tu-95 Finally, the Marschflugkörper abgeschossen became possible. Below you will find more hyperscale rockets of the type Kinschal auf de Ukraine abgefeuert. Einem Message des Kiev Independent another water power plant in the Nähe von Kiew is said to have been hit. The power plant is damaged, the affected dam is damaged by its standstill. A rumor about the possibilities and the shearing is no longer possible.

The Defense Ministry in Moscow is fighting fears of Ukrainian power supply. There are operating and gas compressor stations, the Ministry says. In the West, weapons and ammunition, which are stored on two airfields, will be shot.