
From 2025, Bund will invest more money in Schienen than in Straßen

From 2025, Bund will invest more money in Schienen than in Straßen

Berlin – The Bund invests in the kommenden Jahren deutlich mehr Geld in Schienen as in Straßen. Laut eines Berichten der “Welt” in de Bundeshaushalt 2025 voor de Bundesschienenwege 18,1 Billiarden Euro vorgesehen, für Bundesfernstraßen met 9,1 Billiarden Euro gerade einmal die Hälfte.

Also in the years 2026 and 2027 the Bahn lies with planted investments in Höhe of 17.0 Billion and 17.7 Billion Euro deutlich vor der Straße with 9.6 Billion and 9.7 Billion Euro. Investments in both companies have started from 2028. Then since the Bundeshaushalt für Schienen nor 13 Billion Euros angesetzt, für Straßen 9.9 Billion Euros.

The numbers originate from one of the two jargons have an overview of the ministerial ministries of Bundesfinanz. The investments in the Bundeshaushalt have come on the market in 2025 with a value of 81 billion euros. For 2026 and 2027, the Government plans with 77.5 billion euros, for 2028 with 71 billion euros.

The backlash is therefore justified, as the project is reversed. “The investments made by other people for the Schienenweg will compensate for the investments for 2028 and 2029 in the previous way”, says the Ministry of Finance with the “Welt” further written. The Bahn has a long lifespan and equity. The investments have already started earlier than ever at the level of the professional level of 2019.