
Edeka: Kult-Produkt lays a drawing – Kunden sind Feuer und Flamme

Edeka: Kult-Produkt lays a drawing – Kunden sind Feuer und Flamme

Drumbeat at Edeka! With the “Dönerback” revolutionary by Mustafa Demirkürek (53) from Thuringia Fast-Food – zwölf minutes in the often and swups, the stoked doner is ready and can be putzt. For 6.99 euros you can buy a good piece at Edeka. But the soul is still far from being reached.

Now revealed Demirkürek, where you can enjoy a bare day off. If you act, this is not a new kind of sorted seines Aufback-döners. It is more likely that one of the sources of the entire product range has appeared, that is then at Edeka from a company that is reported by our Partnerportal Thüringen24.

Edeka: Paukenschlag! Cult product lasts a while

Monatelang fieberten Döner-Fans auf de Fertig version des Turkish traditionsgerichten hin. In the war of June 2024 it is so good: After 16 years of the Tüftelns and Verfeinerns feierte of the „Dönerback“ seine Premiere in the Edeka-Markten. And if you call Demirkürek a wahrer Verkaufshit! What a wonder, that’s the gift of the Döner, so well received. Denn Demirkürek has been working in gastronomy for about 30 years.

When the “Dönerback” no longer works! Der gebürtige Kurde verrät Thuringia24, wie es weiter gehen soll. Doner fans can enjoy themselves! Der 53-Jährige will work with new products and the Erfolg-seines Aufback-Döners anknüpfen. “New Variants come dazu. A Döner with Knoblauch and one with Chili since last night, die kommen”, verrät there. „Danach machen wir other Fleischvarianten, etwa Kalb“, he continues.

Customers are on fire

If the new creation is no longer so simple, the Döner-Liebhaber can take quite a long time. “After the next year we plan to have other products: Döner counter, Dürüm-Döner, Döner box and a Döner pizza”, so the Thüringer more. There are vegan and vegetarian options available in the debate. If it is that white, Demirkürek cannot reveal anything. “That will come soon, we will continue to live our lives,” he said.

More news:

Not only Edeka customers can be free. There are also other supermarkets and discounters who have had such a good idea. So that the foreign country should be marked with the Aufback-döner. Which brands and states that can no longer see, can be read here in Thüringen24!