
Habeck warns of coalition violence

Habeck warns of coalition violence

Habeck warns of coalition violence

Vizekanzler Robert Habeck (Grüne) warned the Ampel partner that a coalition meeting would be risky. “Ein leichtfertiges Spielen mit Neuwahl verbietetet sich”, said the Green Politics of the Zeitungen der Funke-Mediengruppe (Donnerstagsausgaben).

“Although it is not included in the Grundgesetz, a Bundestag is required for four years.” Habeck was done with the coalition, in the orbit of his machines. “So, who can make millions of people into a job? With Kraft, Konzentration en dem Willen, Dinge hinzukriegen“, says there. “I’m happy with my life.”

The Finance Minister relates to Satz von Grünen chief Omid Nouripour, the Ampel coalition is an umbrella government. Nouripour habei “über die Zeit nach Ende der Merkel-Ära geprochen”, so Habeck. “After 16 years, the German country started in a mountainous way: Die Ära Merkel has come to an end, but the new Ära has never been like this.”

“That’s where we really came from. But the crisis has its climax.” Germany must define its geopolitical role in Europe and the world. “It will be a next legislative period for the political majority.” In the background, but also an Ampel-Ära could come, entgegnete Habeck: “Nobody can say who the political vision will be in September 2025.”

Habeck ließ offen, ob er Kanzlerkandidat der Grünen will. “Em die Frage, was für ein Land wir sein wollen. Then you will find the person who fits in with the Federal Chancellor,” he says. “I have lived for four years as a Minister. The Wahlkampf would have führt a späteren Zeitpunkt.” On the Nachfrage, ob de Grünen zur nächsten Bundestagswahl even a Kanzler Candidates aufstellen, Habeck said: “These Fragen were ich und meine Partei zu gegebener Zeit Worten.”

The Vice Chancellor has reached an excess of the temperature by the Wahlchancen der Grünen back. In a podcast it is a fact that the Bundestagwahl is no longer so, if the man now brings in an Elfmeter again, “you would encounter an eingewechselt and 4:0”. In the Funke-Zeitungen-macht it is German: “I will not have free speech about the verantwoordwortung and my Fehler will never be rausnehmen. I see that the Ampelregierung, my part and my person has lost a lost path. Ich bin ein centraler Actor en muss mich vragen: Who can make this Scharte auswetzen? Who can win a vertrust back? That is the task. ”

dts Messaging Agency

Photo: Ampel-Minister (Archive), via dts Nachrichtenagentur