
House of Color in Kreuzberg: Here you can dare to laugh

House of Color in Kreuzberg: Here you can dare to laugh

Das “Hoco” will buy a Raum for People of Color and other unterrepräsentierte Künstler:innen. But the Zukunft des Ortes is uncertain.

Ein Raum des Austauschs – The house of color Photo: Lukasz Wolejko-Wolejszo

The Door of the House of Color can continue for a long time in the manicured courtyard. Drink through the smell of smoke from the chimneys in the air. Make sure you can see your music before you enter the Raum, while the music of the DJs plays. Summary watercolor pictures of the wall and on the colorful carpet people are depicted in a different way.

Der Raum slowly fills itself up, as the African-American comedian Tyrone Stallone dies self-consciously and the crowd says in English: “Germans, you are allowed to express yourself and laugh,” he grunts into the microphone with a grin.

From April to the Kreuzberger Hinterhof a new initiative was launched: the House of Color (Hoco). Founded by Ben Olayinka and his Mitstreiter:innen is in the first stock in the Peters-Höfen and the Gneisenaustraße in Kreuzberg a Raum for People of Color (PoC) and other non-terrepräsentierte Künstler:innen. Olayinka can buy one of the most common things “for Creativity and Community”, who is there.

“For all people of color, it is important to find a solution that is easy to manage, to be able to make improvements.” The results of the changes based on expenditure were such a person with small financial matters who were more likely to be able to do so. , teilzunehmen.

Fragile Financing

The passages of the Monate served the space as a pop-up location and as a test run for a concept that was sold in the Zukunft dauerhaft in Berlin. Do you want a diesem Ort. When the Räumlichkeiten opened, it was not yet the end of August. The factory of the Initiative, the project is carried out as mobile devices get a new purpose.

Not only the lust for space poses Hoco for challenges. The financing of the initiative is fragile, is taught after a einembruch for a new week, at the equipment in the form of an amount of 10,000 euros. Although it is possible that the concept one of the functional cultural expenditure in a city in Berlin long lasts.

Tarik Floyd, a Schwarzer American-American artist, organized in the Hoco Veranstaltungen wie Comedy-Abende and Yoga-Sitzungen. “Dass das Hoco exists at all, consists of,” it says. “It is said that this is a Räume-gibt, which has a feiern and respect, in the negative experiences, that fell of one in other Teilen Deutschlands gemacht haben.”

The changes in the Hoco season were praised by Floyd by his Vielfalt from. At the Comedy Evening, other artists enter: women from the US, Jordan and Tanzania. This audience is likely: from trips to the United States and African or Arab states in the Ukraine: women and Berlin: women who have a rich cultural culture.

“I’m here for representation,” says Iman Khalouf, as he enters the stage – and unfortunately Lacher, who is this person, is the only woman in the comedy program. The comedian from Jordan is very secretive: “Jordanians are not funny – we are like the Germans of the Arabs!” Spätestens like Stallone erklärt, there habe yes ever thought, AfD stehe for “Afrikaner for Deutschland”, laughs auch the last Reihe.