
Tischler Frank Lamm gives alto Balken new life

Tischler Frank Lamm gives alto Balken new life

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Creative: Other oak beams are a new kind. Tischler Frank Lamm found the search for one of the Altholzbalken. Dafür benutzt is a winkelschleifer with schruppscheibe.
Creative: Other oak beams are a new kind. Tilesman Frank Lamm found the search for one of the Altholz beams. Dafür benutzt is a winkelschleifer with schruppscheibe. © Lena Langhoff

A Tag with … Tischler Frank Lamm in the Holzmanufaktur Kassel in Fuldabrück. Der Schreiner is located in the Arbeit mit Holz.

In the series “Ein Tag mit…” you can imagine that the best offers, which they deserve, are Jobs, which you know and other exciting Arbeitsfelder.

Fuldabrück – „Meiner wird Schreiner“, stay on a plaque in the office of the hardware manufacturing company in Kassel, on a man with a message so that he can see it. The plaque is fast, so with Tischler Frank Lamm, who works in the mountain employer as one of the salespeople. There is still no talk of a community: Sein Sohn falls into the turmoil and absolutely of a Tischlerausbildung.

Wie der Vater, so der Sohn: Auch Frank Lamms Sohn Kracht een Ausbildung zum Tischler.
Wie der Vater, so der Sohn: Auch Frank Lamms Sohn Kracht een Ausbildung zum Tischler. © Lena Langhoff

If the 58 years a craft experiences with holistic processing, then get up for the party. Property of the owner of the guitar of an Ihringshäuser guitarist, but his Lehrstelle-hätte of the Jugendliche nicht-täglich pendeln können. So it’s not like I have a picture of Tischler on my machine for 16 years.

There is a raw, light Duft from Eiche that contains a Whiskey

“It is a cleaner Beruf, your Holzart is different, who will realize it. Die Kiefer is real nach Harz and am intensivsten, die Eiche remembers me with ihrem rauchigen and leicht säuerlichen Doft an Whiskey“, schwärmt der Tischlergeselle von seinem Beruf.

Special is a blessing ship in the factory of the factory, with a huge individual knowledge of business. Activities by children from the oak beams and other new furniture works, who do a few things.

“It is true that the Altholzoption is zu erhalten”, erklärt der Tischler, während is with Schutzbrille and Gehörschutz bewaffnet the Möbelstück im Freien aufstellt. The Grundgerüst is verleimt en verschraubt. It is a matter of life, while it is a fruitful fruitful time.

Aus ehemaligem Fachwerkhaus entstehen Möbel

Under the recognition of the creditworthiness of shopkeepers with the fachmann’s scraper, the problem of the Altholz beams and the manipulation of the concentraert piece for the piece dies, where a finer from Holzteilchen gets the air history and the slightly disappeared oak wood smell effect.

I would like to take a closer look at the inner workings of the work, which is a great success, and I will enjoy a few more hours of life. On a larger and more meter long machine, the long belt cutting machine, how the Gottsbürer can produce the individual Schreibtischteile.

Tischler brauchen Fingerspitzengefühl and a good Auge

With one hand holding the schleifschuh and with the other hands lying on the holzsteen. “It is important, possible ever in Holzrichtung zu schleifen, sont enstehen Querstriemen, also Kratzer”, explains the Fachmann and says about the natural Faserverlauf of the Holzes. Das Schleifen is not so, een oberste Schicht op de Holz, denn auf Remainen von Staub, Schweiß und Öl has no new Öllackierung, so der Tischler.

Precision work: The final pieces were made with the long-band cutting machine, which is damn good. Stimulate Richtung und Kraft müssen.
Precision work: The final pieces were made with the long-band cutting machine, which is damn good. Stimulate Richtung und Kraft müssen. © Lena Langhoff

Gerade on the furnier plates with fragmented fingerspitzengefühl on the abschleifen, denn that aufgeklebte furnier – a holzblatt – often now 0.7 millimeter dick. “If a man chooses to have a piece of his own life, he will come to the press to find out what he wants and then he will have to throw everything away,” reads the 58-year-old article.

The execution

The Ausbildung zum Tischler beziehungsweise Schreiner dauert three years. Voraussetzung is een Hauptschulabschluss. I first received an amount of 649 Euro gross. I lost 766 euros a year ago and immobilized 876 euros a year ago. The robber Schreiner or Tischler (the Bezeichnung varies depending on the Region) is on the basis of the movement of the house special, where a Zimmermann ortsgebundene Holzarbeiten wie Dachstühle or Häuser carries out. lla

Neben Möbelstücken is a joint venture with its chef Florian Kell with Küchen, Türen, Treppen and Gartenzäune. Akkurat stacked where the Beispiel de Einzelteile een Lärchenzauns darauf, beim Kunden montiert zu be. “Hauptsächlich haben wir Aufträge in Stadt und Countrykreis Kassel”, says Kell, Hauptverantwortlicher der Werkstattgemeinschaft.

Florian Kell with Stecheisen and Klöppel - a Holzhammer - in der Hand.
Florian Kell with Stecheisen and Klöppel – a Holzhammer – in der Hand. © Lena Langhoff

Schreiner wird von Kunden geufen, die sich ausgesperrt haben

When Doors starts, it can happen that it will burn. At least think that the lot of Lamms Customers. If your home has been robbed, it is likely that the main lock will be torn down or that your home will be expanded and that there will be cutbacks during one of the costs that you can make. If the Question sees one of the nice things of Customers, with a Dietrich a closed Door to open, Lamm winks at a smile.

On the job at the Fuldabrücker Werkstaats Lamm can notice a HNA article in the factory for a year and be careful. Los ging es für ihn im Mai in Bergshausen. If you orient yourself in the Räumlichkeiten, this is not the case, while a few years ago here is one of the other chefs.

“The fact that I am happy with my work is not a problem because I am not able to cope with it, because I am always happy with the business, so that new views will be obtained and unterchiedliche Arbeitsweisen will be known,” said the Gottsbürer.

Scharfes Werkzeug: With the Cuttermesser became Leimreste von de Füßen eines Schreibtisches entfernt.
Scharfes Werkzeug: With the Cuttermesser became Leimreste von de Füßen eines Schreibtisches entfernt. © Lena Langhoff

Tischler work in Teilzeit at der Holzmanufaktur Kassel

For Frank Lamm, the working day began at 8 o’clock and ended at 17 o’clock. A special feature: There was an appeal today. “The beauty here is that we are a community and that there is no competition. We help us to get by,” says Lamm. If you are positive, it is so that the company of the enterprise has its own share in a board of eight company workshops for ort, which can help the slow.

Also with knowledge about the schools. “Our walking knowledge is the knowledge of Berlepsch,” said Lamm about the diploma day and tischlermeister, the holzmanufaktur in his life in 1983.

Konrad von Berlepsch (Gründer der Holzmanufaktur) paints a Tisch with a Lackierpistole.
Konrad von Berlepsch (Gründer der Holzmanufaktur) paints a Tisch with a Lackierpistole. © Lena Langhoff

Even after 40 years, Frank Lamm has not lost his fascination for the material Holz. “I think this is a house with the construction and design of my terrace and a beautiful terrace. That makes me really happy.”
(Lena Langhoff)