
Snooker in Saudi Arabia: Money or Life?

Snooker in Saudi Arabia: Money or Life?

2024 is during the Saudi Arabia entry in the snooker calendar that the discussion has started to perform Sportswashing, the dictatorships will go to the white background of the Wirklichkeit. Who can solve the snooker sport with this problem?

As clever, modern and sophisticated as a system of feudal lords may have been marketed in the 1930s: the documentation of leisure time and inhumanity in the annual reports of Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch or the various UN organisations has never been excluded or thrown away.

Healthy and active

Shaun Murphy, player of the game in the WPBSA’s lead, will no longer be a pragmatic debtor, as in most media criticism and the Zehn-Jahres deal with the Saudi sports ministry that is said: “At the end of the day it isSso, the event will take place if it fails. Wen wir exceptional With the states having a problem, the perfect human legal position is now one of the many schmaltzes that such a good power is confronted with.”

Murphy’s Triple-Crown colleague Neil Robertson is a popular example: “Saudi Arabia is investing in sports, a young player who is active will become active and live, and it is a great art, the snooker part of this strategy is.”

Brand botchmaster O’Sullivan

Ronnie O’Sullivan will start with the start of the einladungsturniers of Riad in Frühjahr 2024 of the Veranstaltern as Markenbotschafter for Snooker in the Arabic presentation. Bringing together the press and the media, O’Sullivan and Judd Trump are grimly machen in Riyadh for the Einhaltung of Human Rights, since naiv. Peitschenhiebe, Amputationen, Steinigungen and Exekutionen are heard according to the Saudi Arabian Criminal Law, that is according to Scharia beruht. They grew taller and were not left behind in the absolute monarchy.

Weapons, Soup, Vehicles

It does not hinder the offense of anyone, with the Royal House Geschäfte jeglicher Art zu machen. Alleine der Handelsüberschuss Deutschlands beträgt über sechs Billiarden Euro. Neben Waffengeschäften, who in Yemen-Krieg für Hunderttausende von Opfern were empowered to take care of dieses Plus eingeführte Konsumgüter jeglicher Art, von der Tütensuppe bis zum Sportnutzfahrzeug. The komplette makes a profit, but the Saudis in the oil Reichtum are left with both hands apart. Yes, yes, an offer from a brutal Justiz- und Herrschaftssystems is a fact. Is it possible that you want to use the snooker game?

The Saudi Power Mohammed bin Salman himself who set things in motion, has not helped anyone else. The rightful oppression of women that took place in 2018 has become the right word of cinemas and concerts a year later. The Leine will last longer, the control will last longer. Above all by AI systems, like in China.

Der Schlüssel zur Menschlichkeit: Honesty

If you want to look at some things, you can engage in commercial interest in snooker in Saudi Arabia. Moral Pflaster, if man wants that too:

First: One of the ideas for honest sports art can do everything during the display and the culture that give full impulses. By transporting snooker in the DNA of the blessing is a permanent pladoyer for correct, civilized Umgang miteinander, even in dramatic moments, even in the bitterest decline. Je mehr Kids vor ort sich vom Snookerpiel fascinated lassen, it is better. Punk for Neil Robertson.

Twos: The game is all good. Man cannot be kaufen. It is a ransom of national national legislation or the herunter bites of the Medaillenspiegel. Snooker is bigger as a tribal knife ritual. Snooker is Fortschritt. This is where we come in. Scots have Anhänger in China. Thailänder haben Fans in Finland. Es gibt schlechtere Botschaften.

Dritten: In Riyadh it is a fact that the publication of the Riyadh World Masters has ended in the summer of 2024. A nicely staged event – ​​​​like the Handball-WM 2015 in Katarsieht anders aus.

Honor Code of the Gentlemen

Because of all the honesty feelings that the snooker plays, it is better to play in the playing time. It is a fact that Liang Wenbo and Michael White have been given the honor. Both were killed by British courts because of violence and women, both were closed in logical consequence of the WPBSA from the community of gentlemen. Once it is rotten, it may be used in Arabic or otherwise in other countries.

Credit, Law, hearty Jobs

Four times the unassailable argument is: rising prices – for all people who can choose from the Top 30 or Top 40, who only achieve the excellent standards, we will have a professional training expenditure as a full-time job.

Ali Carter told 2023 in a BBC interview, “90 percent of the pros” financially speaking dead. This 90 Prozent has made the bank rejoice, while the premiums for the Saudi Masters have been won. Selbst die Erstrundenverlierer gehen in Riad nicht leer aus. If one, two people will be able to make the most of it, and in the meantime they will be able to enjoy the sports activities so that they can also make financial contributions and work jobs – or in the worst cases, wet manipulators will be sacrificed.

Top class in the lower structure

Snooker hat is a big A big phenomenon is playing toys. If this Breite in the Spitze continues, the socialverträglich function of the Unterbau – for your talent, the largest private sponsor and his next page.

Even at Vermarkter World Snooker it can be that the player plays a game that makes more of a kitchen, which makes you look forward to the welfare sector and the sponsors that can now be sponsored. So were the four Turnieren of the Home-Nations-Serie on the British Island in the Saison jewels of 73,000 Pfund more ausgeschüttet as in Vorjahr. It costs 427,000 to 500,000 Pfund – immersion in a Steigerung on 17 Perzent.

Insignificant investments

Behind all events, such as exhibitions or world exhibitions, there are no companies or institutions with money and firecrackers, but also people with the leadership and the love for the sport of snooker. Ginge is one of the best, a prestige or one of the most popular sports washing practices, it is another way to use other platforms from Saudi Arabia, a way to enjoy and be clean. If we summarize, eh, it is a snooker event, while the billions of investments in the Fußball-Liga Saudi Arabia will never disappear.

The Saudi Snooker Masters for 144 players has received a bonus of 2.7 million euros at the level of WM in Crucible. For comparison: The deal of FC Al-Nassr with a lone player – Cristiano Ronaldo – for a commitment worth 500 million dollars.

The way is the path

Sports, art or music are not the world renewal, but in the fall an idea is life-giving, inspiring or courteous gestaltet – and people over your own Borderless hints of other associations. It is not likely that the best sport Fairness in the game of snooker on the planets of some heart is hindered, then there are a few won. Steter Tropfen höhlt den Stein …
