
Biden-Regierung is one of the Israeli Angriffs in Lebanon

Biden-Regierung is one of the Israeli Angriffs in Lebanon

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In public, US President Biden began to attack Israel. My US registration apparatus is a critical critic in the countries of Lebanon.

New York – “A stabilizing war is of no interest to anyone”: US President Biden said this on Tuesday (September 24) in his speech before the United Nations. His words can no longer be used, the conflict in Switzerland and Lebanon are still worth less. It is a tag that neither attacks with rockets and dry attacks. A new level would be reached with the massive explosion of the community in Lebanon, the power responsible for Hisbollah Israel.

The most recent work in Israel, in the United States, will never cast a critical eye on the Israeli government, which can be viewed on another page. Who dies Washington Post message, do this in the Biden-Regierung Unstimmigkeiten über das militärische Vorgehen Israels in Lebanon. They strive for a high quality Beamte that Angriffe as rücksichtslos and stopped is for what it is, that these more tödlichen Gewalstzyklen führen. Other Regierungsvertreter wiederum see in the Angriffen a work the same Mittel, um the Hisbollah-Miliz deutlich zu schwächen.

Biden and Netanyahu discuss Gaza negotiations
US President Biden supported Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu during his speech on his diplomacy. © Susan Walsh/AP/dpa

Diplomatic Lösung nicht in Sicht – US-Beamter sieht Israel’s Ansatz in Lebanon critical

There is no question of a government renegade who will make his decision, but US President Biden will look after his diplomatic interests in the Vordergrund-rücken. So it is a question of Reason for the United Nations, a diplomatic release of the only way to Security. Only then can the inhabitants of Northern Israel and Southern Lebanon safely return to their homes on the border. A diplomatic way to the discovery, gestaltet sich jetoch al andere als einfach. The Hisbollah is characteristic of Angaben after his anger, his fear of Israel – under the Condition, that is a Waffenstillstand in Gaza area.

In the Israeli government this Forderung must be carried out at some point. They will die both war sites in Gaza and not bring Lebanon into Zusammenhang. Israel has started the fight with the military pressure on the Hisbollah, damn this power, and will set up a bulletproof zone in South Africa. One of the most critical messages from the American ministers is that they are critical, who reports Washington Post I am the leader of the UN General Assembly said. There may be a small phase in the early years, in the intensification of the military reinforcement of a deeskalation geführt hadte.

Israel has stopped a Strategy Party and will incite Hisbollah

A ray from the Ministry of Defense is planning Washington PostForeign Minister Lloyd Austin has embarrassed Israel in the German state power, that there has become a front with the Hisbollah, not for the right way, a tension abzubauen. Other directorates are based on “the strategy of the deployment by the pressure on the Hisbollah”, such as Matthew Levitt of the Zeitung. There is an expert for the Hisbollah at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and a more malicious American reporting on terrorism.

An Israeli officer confirmed the report, while the young military operations in Lebanon were supposed to be, the Hisbollah of the negotiations to move, and never again, a big war to begin. Man glaube, dadurch Hisbollah dazu brings his money, a diplomatic solution anzustreben. That is an Abschreckung. The history of history will not change, the escalation will continue. If you finish the beam of the beam, the conversation will stop in a bag. A diplomatic solution will remain in far distance.