
Everfuel: Übernahmeangebot! Who responds Nel, Hexagon Purus and Co?

Everfuel: Übernahmeangebot! Who responds Nel, Hexagon Purus and Co?

Drumbeat in the Water Industry. For the one-time investment funds of Everfuel, Faro BidCo ApS is an independent company for an infrastructure investment fund of Swiss Life Management AG, an investment bot. Gerade Anleger, it will take longer at Everfuel and Bord, but it won’t be long now.

The Investment Fund has 13 Norwegian Kroner for Everfuel-Aktie (approximately 1.11 Euro). The first part of the product contains a quantity weight of 53 percent on the Freitag scale, so who eats a price of 47.5 percent on the volume weight during the processing of 30 days.

Everfuel’s three major companies, EF Holding (controlled by Everfuel CEO Jacob Krogsgaard), HvVC ApS and the Clean H2 Infra Fund, will die in the summer and 75 percent of Everfuel’s outsourced assets will be audited, boosting the offer.

When the transfer is completed, Everfuel will have become possible with 1.12 billion Norwegian kroner (approximately 96 million euros). If you click on the long-awaited map, it is so that you can now take an action that is free, but not as long as Everfuel is active.

The financial sector says that the infrastructure fund is managed during the interest and water assets and the investments become attractive. A larger impulse is an offer for others Scandinavian water assets with Nel, Cavendish Hydrogen, PowerCell or Hexagon Purus indes nicht zijn erwarten.

A higher level of protection for Everfuel has gone unnoticed, which is why the large anticipation effects have reached their Zustimmung signal. Among the speculative values ​​generated, the paper of Hexagon Purus would be the best Chance-Risk-Relationship. The company found on the stock exchange is examined in 2024 and 2025. Small claims give a potential large purchase signal for the action. The stop is worth no more than 0.60 Euro.