
Interview with Andreas Brandt about the “Tierische Zeiten”, which is for the HAZ-zeichnet, about his life and much more.

Interview with Andreas Brandt about the “Tierische Zeiten”, which is for the HAZ-zeichnet, about his life and much more.

The HAZ has a knitting of an unbridled theme. You knit a story about the self-image of the Rätsel (the HAZ may have been given a sudoku to interpret the Silbenrätsel, while the man thinks a little) and Cartoons. One of the cartoons of the HAZ is the „Tierische Zeiten“. Two follow that are every day to be found in the newspaper. The seeker and seeker of the ‘Tierische Zeiten’ is Andreas Brandt. The Cartoonist who started after the Abitur (in the year 1984) with the Zeichnen started – first in the cartoon industry, then there are cartoons for external characters, cartoons (“Pippi Langstrumpf”, “Sandmännchen”, Walt Disney Characters) are introduced and published. Since 2000, cartoons and comic strips have been published for the Zeitungen and Zeitschrifts. Seine Cartoons regularly appear in publications in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium and Liechtenstein.

One of the Geburtstag der HAZ found a blessing “Animal Times” in XXL format.

Herr Brandt, which Haustiere lived at Ihnen?

I am summer Stechmücken. On the Fensterbank Spatzen and in the garden you study a manchmaal a Stockentenpärchen. If you have a terische inhabitant, you have a woman and nothing.

Oh, it’s great mich. If you read Cartoons, it could be that you are living on the Bauernhof.

Quick. I grew up in a small village right on the North Sea. Daheim has a number of dogs, cats, hens, ducks, canaries, rabbits, guinea pigs and a gold hamster shortly after. 500 meters further on the war of the deich. While you are ashamed, the moths squirmed, the crabs scrabbled through the watts and your war is one of the most common things you see. Looking back, it is a strange childhood disease and perhaps from the ground, where the “animal seasons” of the time are.

Beobachten Sie Tiere, um Ideas for the Zeichnungen zu kommen?

If you find one of the best ways to live in Tierreich, then this is worth everything to a person. It is a fact that the individuality of the person and the variety of own art in the Tierwelt of the world is greater.

Woher kommen Ihre Ideen sonst noch?

Witze thinking is hard work. Once again ich von der Muse was kissed, nor does my idea escape like that. When I look up, when I see it, look at the whitening marker and the skizzenblock, whoever ins Schlafzimmer zurück and komme nicht heraus, bis mir wenigstens ein Dutzend new Cartoons eingefallen ist. With others Worten: Mir kommen die Ideen zwar im Bett, aber leader nicht im Schlaf.

Was machen Sie, wenn Sie mal keine Ideen haben?

Mir another Job suchen. 🙂 Zum Glück ist das noch eenpassert.

“Witze austhink ist harte Beit. Once again I was kissed by the Muse nor did my idea escape like this.”

Who is it, if you in the Urlaub wollen wollen? Do you lay an example of Cartoons? Or do you continue?

Von unterwegs geht nicht. Mein Zeichenatelier fits the leader into a small suitcase. I have text and words in Schüben: First think I have my own ideas. Then it is worthwhile to give all the advances and cleaning a thorough review. Am Ende became the prolific comic strips without color. So take a look at Cartoons.

Zeichnen Sie eigentlich noch mit Stift und Farbe? Or is everything digital?

I start with another way: The cartoon is made with white marker on paper. When the black-white-reinzeichnung is no longer on the paper.

Dazu used a special filter with variable Spitze. Aber Danach Wird’s Modern: I scanned the Zeichnung ein und bearbeite und colorière sie am Grafiktablet. My favorite cartoons are not digital now.

Welches’ level is typical of the most exuberant of their time?

All! The abstraction is clear: even a level that is so simple when you look at it, says that Mimik and Gestik you recognize that other people are the traitor who is so soft, a level that acts like that.

Are there any brands If you have a cartoon function? Do you have test lesson and lesson?

Yes, my wife Brigitte. See what many others are like. Look at the Cartoons as I am. Another ganz Humor. Zum Gluck! If you don’t know what to do, I was witzig finde without the reading!

And was it true that an undertaking is not so funny?

I read in one of the most diverse paper shops.

Was machen Sie eigentlich sonst noch so?

Owei, I don’t think I’m thinking, but I’m consciously aware, so I’m fast now and at my Zeichentisch sitze! Ah, jetzt fallt mir but neither was one: in the Urlaub fahren. Most often! When it won’t be that long, we’ll get the new Comics experience.

Would you like to register as a manchmal teacher at Ihnen?

I sometimes receive mails, letters and announcements from all German-speaking countries. Aberganz thinks that you will find the Leserinnen and Leser from Hannover! A wise way in which the roads of the anniversary of the HAZ do not exist. It is great! Especially the little dog “Oskar” is very credible. It is possible that a plaque from the Swiss Animal Protection Association was obtained.

Do you still enjoy reading and interpreting the lobes or judging your opinion?

The response is stubbornly positive! Part of the story of a lesson from Hannover-Davenstedt and a fragment of it, however different. I was told: 56.’ And my reading was: ‘Ah, that’s true, then I’m still alive, and I’ll be able to read more about it in my own time.’ One day, for our Italian cooking. In gratitude for the Freude, who in his heart with the ‘Tierischen Zeiten’-maché. Leader is a bislang that has never been abolished, but it probably can’t be used. Ronald Meyer-Arlt

And if I’m in the right place: Lieber HAZ-Leser, schreiben Sie mir gern en teilen Sie mir Meinung zu meinen Comics with [email protected]. I love my life!
