
Firmen in Deutschland im Visier chinese Hacker

Firmen in Deutschland im Visier chinese Hacker

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Firmen in Deutschland im Visier chinese Hacker
Foreigners in Germany have always been happier in China. (Symbol image) © Sina Schuldt/dpa

There are no Volkswagen kingpins who have taken out the Chinese state hacker. Quickly you can visit abroad in Germany and visit Angriffen in China.

Berlin – The Damage by Diebstahl, Sabotage and Industrial Espionage for the German Business is a year long after Schätzungen on a Rekordwert von knapp 267 Billiarden Euro gestiegen. It is a fact that China has its origins in the international economy in Germany. This is the result of a study of the Digital Association Bitkom reform, which became public in Berlin.

Bei een representative Befragung von more als 1.000 Unternehmen quer durch alle Branchen gaben 45 Prozent der afflicted Firmen an, die Angriffe nach China zurückvolgen zu können (2023: 42 Prozent). Over the years, the fear from Russia has arisen from statistics. Aktuell sagen nur 39 Prozent der offensive Unternehmen, dass sie in Russia engriffen be seen. 2023 lag der Wert nor at 46 Prozent.

“Conflict Times”

During the war in April Hacker was warned that the people’s republic would seize power, Volkswagen would have left its spy. You can acquire the knowledge of the car company by the knowledge of the experience with the know-how of the car company. Bitkom chairman Ralf Wintergerst said that the Zahlen was a man, “who conflict-ridden and who tension-laden the high time is and with whose inner bandagentlich played”.

Hacker met bösen Absichten aus Osteurope Krachten 32 Prozent der Fall aus, de Europäische Union (ohne Deutschland) würde in 21 Prozent der Fall als Ausgangsbasis vermutet. Part of the age group (36 Prozent) could not continue with the study, in the region that Angreifer kamen. Jedes fünfte Angriffsopfer (20 Prozent) has to do with the fact that the Angriff von Deutschland has developed. A foursome (25 Prozent) vermutet, that is what Angreifer saßen in USA.

When the fragments of the regional areas of Cyberangriffe and the Täterkreis are more interesting. If it does not go well, it is a part of the affected countries that have more attack power and differ in the region.

Crime at work

The old people vermuten, the Täter is gifted by the organized Kriminalität tribes (70 Prozent). Sie schätzen, dass ausländische Nachrichtendienst für 20 Prozent der Angriffe verantwortlich since. Before a year is identified, the secret service is now at 7 prozent der vorfälle als Täter. In 27 cases the evil action is a matter of action or evil action.

The Umphage des Bitkom said the Ausmaß der Bedrohung. Achten von zehn Unternehmen in Deutschland (81 Prozent) messages, which were in the last zwölf Monaten von Datendiebstahl, Diebstahl von IT-Geräten, Industrial espionage or der Sabotage were affected. Weitere zehn Prozent vermuten dies. Verfassungsschutz-Vizepräsident Sinan Selen would also be notified by email. “Erasing that fehlenden neun Prozent is schlicht and a nicht. If you want to know more, this is practically a place where you can find a state of affairs. Nur manche acknowledge this fear niece.”

Digital and analog

The attacks against the Unternehmen in Germany no longer take place in digital Cyberraum statts, but in the analogue world. The knowledge of the IT and Telecommunikations employees of the 62 employees of the companies were affected. 74 Prozent der Unternehmen are geben an, dat beihnen Geschäftsdaten digital ausgespäht wurden. Affected unternehmen messages come from gestohlenen data (62 Prozent, plus 6 Prozentpunkte), data or Passwörtern (35 Prozent, plus 12 Prozentpunkte) who own patents and information about Forschung und Entwicklung (26 Prozent, plus 9 Prozentpunkte). I have affected all communication data related to emails (63 Prozent, plus 1 Prozentpunkt).

Dealing with China

Bitkom President Wintergerst has said that the Unternehmen must once again uphold their Schutzmaßnahmen. “The gold-plated digital e-book is a classroom Angriff that appeals to the discussions or the Diebstahl of physical documents.” It is important to know that the space available for the branch is a special experience in China, since it is safe to use it. “It was more than a year ago that a Lieferketten, a Gemeinschaftsunternehmen or other Konstruktionen, had the least inner part of a few Jahren-rückabwickeln. That is unimaginable.” People often find garkeine alternatives in the Weltwirtschaft.

Verfassungsschutz-Vizepräsident Selen said, man müsse auch nicht de Mauern gegenüber China hochziehen and damit Kooperation and Handel einstellen. “It is a difficult road, but it is not the case that you are likely to be at risk. Man muss den Partner China so einordnen, wie er nun malt.” There is a narrow Verzahnung statlicher settings with the jewelery partner for Ort. “Und daraus entstehen gewisse Risiken.” dpa