
Menschen können Werbung besser: “Durch KI ist Durchschnittlichkeit jetzt gratis”

Menschen können Werbung besser: “Durch KI ist Durchschnittlichkeit jetzt gratis”

Menschen können Werbung better
“Durch KI is Durchschnittlichkeit jetzt gratis”

The new AI model generates a button press that gives an imaginary image. For the world it is not like: “I can’t have humor and I can’t have short-terms”, explains recruiter Arno Lindemann. In “So tech Deutschland” he explains, good recruitment is ausmacht.

With the advertising is such a Sache. If you are looking for a clicked away or switched away, a spot or a user is found within the Seconds überzeugen kann. The fact that the Botschaft does not have a potential potential, is great. Damit Advertising will remain on the head and the best of the autumn are worship services, they will have the credit provision weeks on the head. If you buy a woolen Advertising, which does not go to Advertising. “Formerly it was also like that, that the people who are extra switched on have”, Arno Lindemann remembers. For example, when Nike has found a new place.

Arno Lindeman Arno Lindeman

Arno Lindeman

(Photo: private)

People with recruitment to entertain, is also the soul of Lindemann. There is a creative partner at Agentur Scholz & Friends and KI-Künstler. Because we ourselves have started and experimented with KI programs, so we warn that the knowledge of the track on the mountain is complete. “Wir bauen KI ein, wee es Hilfreich ist.”

The overview is as big as the non-reflective Use. If there is a frontier with AI generation slogans for electric cars, Lindemann is there. There is talk of a combined term with “current flow in the air” or “zero emission, maximum frequency”. When he notes the problem of AI, Lindemann thinks: “You can’t have humor and you can’t get short-term. Durchschnittlichkeit ist jetzt gratis.”

“We are happy with the problem of AI,” says Lindemann. “You can’t have humor and you can’t do anything else. Durchschnittlichkeit is free.”

With Arno Lindemann speak Frauke Holzmeier and Andreas Laukat. The complete is shown in the podcast “So tech Deutschland”.

So technical Germany

In “So tech Deutschland” the ntv moderators Frauke Holzmeier and Andreas Laukat join Gründern, Investoren, Politikern und Unternehmern nach, who is one of the Technology-Standort Deutschland bestellt.

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