
We are in this company in Dresden wechselt, with a prize of up to 3,000 Euro

We are in this company in Dresden wechselt, with a prize of up to 3,000 Euro


We are in this company in Dresden, with a prize of up to 3,000 Euro

Tolles Jobangebot in Dresden. Handwerkbetrieb sucht Anlagenmechaniker bzw. Sanitary installation (m/w/d). Top-Bezahlung, Boni, 28 Tage Urlaub.

Dresden – There are innovative handicraft involvement for complex internal constructions that can be carried out, among other things, and that can be used for the future Heat pump market interesting, Read on now!

KADUR GmbH hat freie Stellen für Anlagenmechaniker (m/w/d) bzw. Sanitary installation (m/w/d) in Dresden and a job Exchange price from to 3,000 euros.

View all information about vacancies and job openings!

KADUR GmbH as Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) in Dresden

Do you want to join the motivated teams of KADUR? Then bewirb Dich über unser Formular (weiter unten)!

Do you want to join the motivated teams of KADUR? Then bewirb Dich über unser Formular (weiter unten)! © TAG24 / Marc Körner

KADUR GmbH is the craft company for complex interior construction and has been located at the new maßstäbe since 1957.

It is one of the design of commercial objects, a private business and residential organization or a medical practice – the most common companies focus on the highest quality.

It is not possible to enter the natural environment. At KADUR, architects, building engineers, technical planners, craftsmen, equipment mechanics and marketing professionals work hand in hand.

During this fachübergreifende Zusammenarbeit seiner Mitarbeiter, the Unternehmen innovative Lösungen auf höchstem Niveau!

The soil in the letzten gestiegen Nachfrage nach Wärmepumpen hat das Unternehmen insondere für Anlagenmechaniker (m/w/d) bzw. Sanitary installers (m/f/d) you can work better at work.

Here come the vacancy details!

Anlagenmechaniker / Sanitary installer (m/w/d)

Where craftsmanship originates, it is welcomed at KADUR.

Where craftsmanship originates, it is welcomed at KADUR. © TAG24 / Marc Körner

Your assignment:

As Anlagenmechaniker (m/w/d) bzw. Plumbing installer (m/w/d) is also responsible for installation of sanitary facilities, heating, air conditioning and air conditioning systems as well as air, water and air conditioning pumps.

You can use everything for the construction sets to improve the preparation of labor materials for and future repair, maintenance and maintenance work.

Judgement: You chose it NOT Bereitschaftsdienst nach Feierabend, een Wochenenden or Feiertagen!

Your profile

Abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung als Anlagenmechaniker (m/w/d) or Quereinsteiger? Bewirb Dich einfach!

Abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung als Anlagenmechaniker (m/w/d) or Quereinsteiger? Bewirb Dich einfach! © TAG24 / Marc Körner

Can you demand an abolition of the commotion of the installation of sanitary facilities in the Bereich Sanitär-, Heizungs- und Klimatechnik, Heizungsbauer, Sanitary-installation or a vergleichbare Ausbildung-vorweisen? Super!

Have you made an automatic analysis of the Anlagenmechaniker (m/w/d)? Not smart! Auch Quereinsteiger since will come!

Wenn Du eine abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung as Rohinstallateur, Elektriker, Elektrotechniker, Gas- und Wasserinstallateur, Kältebauer, Klempner, Rohrleitungsbauer hast, hast You trotzdem Chancen bei KADUR!

More Plus Points:

  • Delivery or additional interest in handicrafts
  • Interest in modern technology in Arbeitsumfeld
  • Quality and knowledge ensure good operational reliability
  • Own initiative and service orientation, Team competence
  • German knowledge and a PKW Führerschein

That’s what you get at KADUR

Wechselst Du zu KADUR als Arbeitgeber, since 3,000 Euro Wechselprämie drin!

Wechselst Du zu KADUR als Arbeitgeber, since 3,000 Euro Wechselprämie drin! © TAG24 / Marc Körner

Have you relied on a craft contract?

Then switch to KADUR and you will receive a Wechselprämie in Höhe of bis 3,000 Euro after a year of Betriebszugehörigkeit!

That’s not all:

1. Enjoy a top working environment in a family environment with a hierarchical hierarchy and a good business climate.

2. Come in a young time, motivate the team and the girl of innovative projects!

3. Regular feedback provides you with information about Firmenevents.

4. A proprietary Arbeitsmitteln is not to be missed. The company presents its own smartphone that delivers high work and concerns itself with the sustainability on the Arbeitsplatz.

Special value is given FRAMES for a better balance between work and private life! Freu Dich auf bis zu 30 Tage Urlaub anyway flexible Arbeitszeiten.

More benefits

Team building, one of the best ways to create your own work environment, is self-reliant at KADUR.

Team building, one of the best ways to create your own work environment, is self-reliant at KADUR. © TAG24 / Marc Körner

These weiteren Vorteile bietet Dein neuer Arbeigeber:

  • Anniversaries and special celebrations
  • Nutzung der Firmeninfrastruktur für Feierlichkeiten

And this is one of the most important personal matters:

  • a great challenge and own work statt
  • More images, workshops and team building
  • Mitgestaltungsmöglichkeiten in einem waiting Unternehmen
  • Karriereförderung und Ausbilder-Prämie
  • Möglichkeit zum Querschnuppern in other Bereiche

Freu Dich auf follows Sicherheiten:

  • an uncompromising work experience, full time
  • a betriebliche Altersvorsorge
  • honest and uber-tarifliche Bezahlung
  • fully built assembly and aerial work platform work
  • a sicherer Arbeitsplatz in a stable Unternehmen

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