
For more than 110 Florists in Wuppertal you will find more money

For more than 110 Florists in Wuppertal you will find more money

For Brautstrauß to work with Solo-Rose: If you work in Wuppertal as a “Blumen-Profi”, come more money. Darauf has the IG Bauen-Agrar-Umwelt (IG BAU) as Floristen-Gewerkschaft hingwiesen. “Eine ausgebildete Floristin earns at least 14.66 Euro pro Stunde. “You have to pay a fee for a free time of 2,478 euros on the bill – 118 euros more as soon as possible,” says Tino Brüning, Bezirksvorsitzender of IG BAU Düsseldorf. Das Geld gets into trouble in July. Years later, during the summer, the stundenlohn in the floristik returned – at 15.36 euros. Unterm Strich bekommen Beschäftigte der Floristik-Branche damit in diesem en im kommenden Year ein Lohn-Plus von knapp zehn Prozent, so die IG BAU.