
Waldbaden am Zürcher Uetliberg: So come and visit the Wald zur Ruhe

In Kurze:

  • Waldbaden connects Naturelebnis with Entspannung, a körperliches and seelisches Wohlbefinden zu fördern.
  • Diana Soldo, a former ETH Science teacher, lives in Waldbaden-Kurse in Uetlibergwald.
  • Teilnehmende learning, stress during exercise and natural contact.
  • Solder more Schutzflächen zur Erhaltung der Waldökosysteme.

Zaghaft sees a woman on her hike with a druckt de nackten Fuss in the schlammigen Herbstboden. The Grund is a lot and gives Schritt a chance. «Schon speziell», said. “That’s something I don’t have power to do.”

Those Anweisungen were clear: Macht euch dreckig. If the people involved hit such a kitchen shop in the Uetlibergwald, that’s what happened. Sie sind auf eenner Excursion der Others Art: Waldbaden.

Die, the person who has returned here, can be one of everything: find Ruhe. Die Gedanken Loslassen. Einfach signal.

A Akademikerin Steigt aus

“Beim Waldbaden is a challenge, but Leistung will get there,” said Diana Soldo, the Kursleiterin.

Soldo ist Biologin und Umweltwissenschaftlerin. 15 years for the ETH Zurich equipment. If you do climbing studies, while remaining unnoticed, using the fortschreitende climbing walk on the wasser in the Schweiz hat.

Diana Soldo hat for the ETH Zurich outfit for 15 years. Irgendwann sah sie keinen Sinn mehr. You can get to know Job and stay in the forest.

“If I noticed it, it’s one of those things that appeared at some point,” says a few days before the race, sitting in the woods. Kurz zammengefasst fanden sie heraus, dass vermehrt extreme Ereignisse endreten were: long Trockenphasen, heavy Regenfälle, Stürme. Everything is possible – from the wasserverfügbarkeit to the high quality of the Überschwemmungen to its Widerstandskraft-unserer Kulturwälder and the Stabilität unserer Berge.

Trotz der Erkenntnisse is not passive. «Wir haben einfach weitergemacht wie bisher.» Solder power over a break. «I am in one crisis. Provided that this science could no longer continue like this.”

I would like to be active. You can also see your track and wake in a cabin in the woods. The war lasted 13 years. Let it happen yourself Excursions in Schweizer Wäldern anzubites. Ihr Ziel: der Bevölkerung den Wald wieder näherbringen.

Waldbaden is a therapeutic form from Japan

“I’m very active when I spend some time reading,” Soldo says. There are also various courses, a war in Waldbaden.

Waldbaden or «Shinrin Yoku» is a therapeutic form of therapy and comes from Japan. During the war in 1982, the Japanese State Ministry was established, a stressed city of the city.

Since 1990, the physiological researches of the Waldbaden have been analyzed in various experiments and the beruhigende Wirkung of the Waldes morehrfach nachgewiesen. Es gibt sogar einen eigenen Forschungszweig: forest medicine, the Waldmedizin.

Do you want to know if the Wald is that bad?

This Frage setst auch Diana Soldo de Kursteilnehmenden. Daraufhin kommen velde Antworten: die Gerüche, die Farben, der Sauerstoff. And everything stimulates irgendwie.

Study has taken place: the dye and mustard of this substance can be used in a different way.

“It’s a mischiung of everything,” says Soldo and asks for more studies. Zum Beispiel is erwiesen, the Farbe Grün beruhigend works on a nervous system. The money for the Muster der Äste. The quality of airspace in the forest is better in the city, but the forest is 99 percent of the damage dust filters.

It is true that evolutions happen, but if you are in the forest, you better go to your fortress. There have been years of war between Wald and Zuhause. Unser Gehirn has made no mistakes. “We live in the city, we live in concrete and traffic, we live, that is not our job nor our new life,” says Soldo. “It’s never a matter of making more money making machines with computers or useful devices.”

It is important that the Waldes movement moves over time: Wer im Wald is active in the parasympathetic state. It is the part of the nervous system, the recovery and regeneration of stress is responsible.

Because of the grateful losses, Diana Soldo emphasizes the physical sinne zu activate. Zum Beispiel during Barfusslaufen.

The stress hormone Cortisol is noticeable in minutes in the forest. «Einen tag pro Woche im Wald verweilen, kann das The immune system is up to 50 percent strong» said Soldo. Dies haben Wissenschaftler der Universität Tokyo in a study herausgefunden.

Before this effect is effective, the parts can be learned while sharing the gratitude in the cup. Diana Soldo has a tip: sin is activated. Tief atmen. Den Wald anfassen. A Bäumen-riechen. Or it’s a matter of cleaning and washing the bar.

It is worth not seeing André Madörin in the 82nd century.

The 82-year-old André Madörin practiced Waldbaden in Berlin and wanted to know who would enjoy it in Switzerland.

Nor während Soldo die Vorzüge des Barfusslaufens darling, see the Rentner on his Wanderschuhe and spaziert on the Herbstlaub here. Zögerlich machen es ihm die meisten Teilnehmenden nach.

Madörin, an email-savvy computer scientist, is extra angry with Zug. Practical and woolly information is available in the Berlin Waldbaden about who is in Switzerland. «Zu Hause bin ich meistens barfuss onterwegs», erklärt there. “It’s a problem for me.”

Bäume communizieren miteinander

“We are always happy to be there, that is one of the best, where we can live without it,” says Diana Soldo. Was she damn meint: I saw it Wald heute as Ressource. As a Holzlieferant, as a Jogging Route, as a Wanderweg. «We experience and form the forest after our bedtimes. Dadurch brings the entire system with the Gleichweight.»

The file comes from Schweiz at 80 Prozent aus Urwald. When man becomes a fact, the forest becomes redder, more fertile. You may want more, an unusual Wald.

If there is a Drittel of the Schweizer Fläche in the Forest, it may be that the Prozent Naturreservate, also known as Natur, is the complete unbewirtschaftet. It is a matter of understanding other countries. “That Switzerland in Europe is rapidly becoming a disaster, and it is now a country without protection,” says Soldo.

When the concept was developed, it was first played for a number of years, but you may say: you become more intensive in the forest, it becomes more and more beautiful and it becomes total money. Totholz is a lighter Lebensraum for many Arten. Environmental protection organizations of the WWF require in ihren Messages see Jahren auf diese Entwicklung.

Handkehrum speichern alte Bäume auch Wissen en will be again next time. These are intended for extreme weather conditions, but with the reinforced climbing walk we will stay longer.

You intensify Wald life, while it becomes more and more Baume money.

“Man has a strong foundation, which helps build new communities,” says Soldo. During a similar network, the so-called Wood Wide Web, Bäume can be another example of Fressfeinden or others warnings and other substances.

“But even if Holz were gilded as a valuable resource, Wald would be grimly holzed,” says Soldo. «Dadurch geht wichtiges Delete lost.» If you make it longer like this, you risk earning more gems from the system’s Kollaps.

These companies can be prevented, compensated by the sale of more wild salmon, and find Soldo. Who is many Ökologists, is from the Meinung, that man is a large part of the Waldfläche under protection and not more bewirtschaften sollte. Damit sich regenerates the system. «Die Wissenschaft spricht from 30 to 50 Prozent, which themselves were resolved überlassen, Soldo said.

Ruhe finding is easy

Während Soldos Waldbadenkurs were een weniger darum, was wir as Gesellschaft nicht machen sollten, soondern darum, was Single Persons machen können.

Soldokracht een Achtsamkeitsübung: Jeder en jede sucht sicht sich in Plätzchen im Wald, setzt sich auf the Boden and lascht der Silent.

An Achtsamkeitsübung during the Waldbaden-Exkursion: Sich hindsetzen and einfach nur dem Wald lauschen.

Plötzlich noticed who the representation was: of the Zug, the Gezwitscher of the Vögel.

Take a closer look and see how you can find it. «Jedes Geräusch hat mich gestört», said a Teilnehmerin, as Soldo nach der Übung fragment, wie is de Teilnehmenden.

Other entries can be deleted. Zum Beispiel the 66-year-old Maja Vollenweider.

The retired Lehrerin Maja Vollenweider leads her Geburt and ADHS. I am Wald who can find the Ruhe.

The retired Lehrer leads his father and ADHS, these are the first kürzliche diagnosis. “There was a war going on at the time the city started moving,” the city said.

Kurz vor fun Uhr nachmittags is the excursion to the end and the group goes to the Bahnhof.

Maja Vollenweider and André Madörin love each other. If you want, Waldbaden will integrate into your Alltag, both. If it has never been so comical, the soul is loose from the Wald you are clearing.