
Parkes droht Saison-Aus – welche Top-Stars der EHC jetzt holen könnte

Parkes droht Saison-Aus – welche Top-Stars der EHC jetzt holen könnte

Munich – It is the verhext for Trevor Parkes. A few days are still not in the training room of the SAP Garden – greetings with his who gives a good impulse in the best wash, tight now again the purity and urgency from who for the his severe injury for round two years. The announced Saison will be considered a Saison. A Trevor-Parkes-Saison. Also: A Treffer-Parkes-Saison. Pustekuchen.

The storm of EHC Red Bull Munich is now one of the first months that something can happen in that seasonal win.

Trevor Parkes droht Saison-Aus: “That is uncannily bitter”

Parkes lost himself at the Sonntag at the Lehner Cup in Sursee (Schweiz). The test phase begins with the EV test – the current continues as the Fuß, or its execution. Der Doc treated Parkes, it is no longer the case that Eis is only solved. A thick bandage is a straight knee, with the sunntag später through the stadium, where the schlimmes are played – now, after the Mediterranean control roles, the long break is unhindered, crossed. OP statt Season start.

It’s coming to an end: Parkes have been relegated for 33 years, for their powerful play that focuses on the heart of the game’s digested origins. . .

The Parkes Shock! For the Kanadier himself and for the EHC. Parks war on the Außen for a scoring plant. “That is uncannily bitter,” says Christian Winkler, Managing Director Sports Red Bull Eishockey. Parkes, der Torjäger vom Dienst, der seit seiner Ankunft in der Deutschen Eishockey Liga 2016 stolze 175 Tore geschossen hat – öfter hat in dieser Zeit nur Leo Pföderl von de Eisbären Berlin geknipst (177 Hit). In the previous seasons no one is better – there is EHC-Rekordtorschütze in the DEL-Jahren (128 Tore). A Torgarant!

Blake Wheeler Has No New Club Yet – The Dream of Star Comeback

The EHC will discuss itself on the Transfermarkt. After a stunner, the new DEL season has strong scoring points. One guarantee that is given is that it is more likely that if the Munich in the new SAP Garden sales, a Connor McDavid or Auston Matthews makes his hole – two stunners at the NHL, who work privately in Munich.

The EHC played in the homeland of Eishackler Konrad Abeltshauser.

EHC test against Pardubice: This is the Härtetest



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More pace in new Halle: EHC chief coach Toni Söderholm (Mitte) and his team were busy with the schlittshoe game, an aggression and finding rhythm.

EHC Trainer Söderholm: “Wir wollen, dass man die Mannschaft von Wechsel zu …


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Europa-Neuling: Adam Brooks, only as a tourist in Munich, played in the new season for the EHC Red Bull. There is a top game with the best game.

Brooks: “And my career has been a courteous and completely false…



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Scherz beiseiet. Now that the time has come to play Kaliber, he plays for the EHC: Paul Stastny (schon in Eishockey-Pension) and Blake Wheeler, who now plays in the background. What was with a Rückkehr? Wheeler came to the NHL-Lockout 2012/13, but stopped a bit with the search. Therefore: an arg sweet Munich dream of seven heavens.

EHC Options? Including Grimaldi, Terry and Mersch – no comeback from Ortega

The international market does not offer “round and round entertainment”, if the Torjäger-Rolle at EHC works, a game begins. One of the Schwelle of AHL at NHL was the US-WM-Sturmer Rocco Grimaldi still vertragslos, with Chris Terry, Joel L’Esperance, Rem Pitlick, Michael Mersch, Chase de Leo and more as quality of life. Gerade was not yet on the market: the NHL started playing and the performances of Europa-Gänger were never so great in the best Liga on a playing field. Patience can pay for the EHC-auszahlen!

The European Market is a great mover. “Die Preise zinken nun, die Spieler sind des Wartens müde,” said the Berater. And the Klubs now move on, so keep the Schwenninger Wild Wings am Mittwoch Teemu Pulkkinen – a bigger name.

Here the market is still unchanged for the time point. With Corban Knight, Mario Kempe and other potential stars they will appear. Kalle Kossila, at EHC unvergetssen, is a vertagloos, but the SC Bern writes, has fallen through the medical check. If that happens – geraad kein Kandidat.

Ausgeschlossen ist, Austin Ortega will come to the Olympiapark. Black is an attack on EHC that lasts long, but dies at the cost of defense. The EHC is in sight. At Vladivostok (KHL) there is a part of the battle, the game is at Kunlun vor.