
Turbochargers like tires for federal study

Turbochargers like tires for federal study

  2. Ludenscheid

Turbochargers like tires for federal study
Kerstin Mlitz and Elle Piccirillo from the Turboschnecken were announced as Trainers for the “Deutschland nimmt ab” program. Maksym brik © Brik, Maksym

The Movement Mangel in Lüdenscheid never dies among the residents of the Bergstadt. The turbo schnecken are accompanied by a new trend.

Lüdenscheid – Obesity and movement mangel that are in Germany will cause serious problems. Dessen is like Kerstin Mlitz, Studioleiterin des Fitnessstudios der Turboschnecken, sicher. There is more sport in the Bergstadt, when you use the Schnecken und de Bundesweiten Studie “Deutschland nimmt ab” from Figurscout Vertriebs GmbH. The Fitnessstudio der Schnecken is a partner of Figurscout.

Lüdenscheid nimmt ab: Turboschnecken als Probanden für federalweite Studie

50 Probands were sought. You can follow a fourfold training and exercise program. The achievements were documented and expanded, while the anonymous information would be possible.

“The Movement Mangel is always getting crazier. Since Corona is very exciting, the sport is motivating,” Mlitz reports. The pandemic has made people suffer for a while. That’s why I’m MK so: “I’m proud of myself, because I’m in a beautiful circle with an excellent attitude,” Mlitz paints, but he still says: “What relationships between Fett and Muskeln are like, we still understand it.” When the Lust am Sport comes by, Mlitz can watch the Mitgliederzahlen in the studios. These were slowly eroded.

Also in Sachen Ernährung würden Märker nicht schlecht abschneiden. The country’s largest region. In Lüdenscheid, the Hof Woeste is a Lieferservice for Frisian Obst and Gemüse an. Hinzu kame, dass immer mehr Bürger Lieferdienste nutzten. Der Ausbau-solcherdienst has a good and good page. So enjoy your fresh clothes and enjoy your selves. Others look at the Angebot, Fast Food and Fertig products. Mlitz fasst zusammen: „Those people are essen- tial, aber sehr kalorienreich.“

If you recognize yourself in the position, it is correct in the study, says Mlitz. Take a part and get a cooking book and a snack on video material of the themes Sport and Nutrition. Nutrition according to the cooking book is part of the study. You can follow a best training of the four-day activities from the research: “A strength endurance training is done, power walking and it is one of the best things I have ever done”, the Studio Manager.

It became a überprüft, the most indirect. At fitness studios it is possible to start logging in during the login, because there are no sports activities. At no entrepreneur is it worth doing the body analysis with a special wage check. It is worth using the fat, muskel and water antelope in the body inheritance. In total three messages were sent. “The wage is as good as an MRT”, Mlitz stolz took.

Interested parties between the ages of 18 and 70 can contact us for further information (24 September from 6 pm and 26 September from 10 am) by email to [email protected] or by telephone at 0 23 51 / 9 74 44 80 to register. The story is connected with a malicious debt of 39 euros. The study has been documented and has reached its end.