
Positionspaper: Grüne fordern “Zeitenwende” in der Innenpolitik und Sondervermögen

Positionspaper: Grüne fordern “Zeitenwende” in der Innenpolitik und Sondervermögen

In the debate on the fight against the Anschlag in Solingen, the Green Abgeorden will reshape the inner politics that reshapes the founding legend. The report from the ARD Hauptstadtstudio was published on a position paper by Fraktionsvize Konstantin von Notz and parliamentary chairwoman Irene Mihalic. “It is one of those times, the ‘turn of the times’ is also reversed in the inner ending”, the two write inner politics in the paper.

Both of them demand, among other things, that the joint work between the Federal and State Ministries of the Interior bring about new objectives. The ministers of the Länder and the Bundes should fulfil an efficient task.

“Durch dieses Nichthandeln entstehen ineffektive and teils gefährliche Doppel- und Gar-Nicht-Structuren”, ziert die ARD both die from the paper. If you seek a new solution to the problems of the Grundgesetzes, the effects of the Union are blocked.

Special financial resources

If you speak out about the green development of your company, ensure the security of your company, and continue to work out some decisions in social networks. Let the Grünen-Abgeordneten be successively Abschiebungen and a strict Waffenrecht.

If the financing is necessary for an art special purpose, it can be considered as a “basic investment”. Bund en Länder sollten demnach nicht ermitteln, who fell Money for Personal and Technology of Security Behörden ist. More money was spent in Ausländerbehörden, at the Federal Office for Migration and Flüchtlinge, in Justice and for Integration.

In the paperwork, both Green Political Federal Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) decided to set the wrong priorities. The Ministry of the Interior expressed a “classic, today in wide parts altered Security Policy”. It is possible that you end up “in the symbolic debate”, while it is finally resolved.

The opposition recruits Mihalic and von Notz, after the severe criminal proceedings, to lead “little soul-leading, only reflexive discussions”. All factions in the Bundestag can be responsible for the security-political provision of the vergangenheit.