
Bertelsmann has Forecast for 2024 and Von dpa-AFX

Bertelsmann has Forecast for 2024 and Von dpa-AFX

GÜTERSLOH (dpa-AFX) – Gut laufende Buch- und Musikgeschäfte: Bertelsmann came out, dass das Geschäftsjahr besser laufen would be as erwartet. Konzernchef Thomas Rabe said to the German Press Agency: “We have our own Konzernprognose an.”

Beim major Umsatzbringer RTL Group (H:) laufen de Geschäfte im Rahmen, in others Bereichen gibt is deutliche Zuwächse. The international Medien-, Dienstleistungs- und Bildungsunternehmen mit Sitz in Gütersloh nannte das Buchgeschäft Penguin Random House, the music parte BMG, the service leader Arvato sees the Bildungs- and Investment-geschäfte. Bertelsmann chef Rabe said: “The Wachstumsraten lie in the first half of the half year over our Erwartungen and will be so visible that this positive entwicklung will continue in the second half of the half year.”

Konzernergebnis 2023 über Milliardenschwelle

If you buy a product or a product for your family, it is not possible to work with a German Umsatz- and Ergebnisanstieg. Allerdings can be carried out on a back passage. Der Grund: Bertelsmann sold the Callcenter-Dienstleistungsgeschäft Majorel and its Anteile at the DDV Mediengruppe in Sachsen.

In 2023, the Umsatz zum Zweiten Mal was in Folge über der Marke von 20 Billiarden Euro and remained stable with 20.2 Billion on Vorjahrelevel. The Konzernergebnis lagged behind with 1.3 billion euros over the milliardenschwelle and remained in the future in 2022 (1.1 billion euros).

So sweet that the first Halbjahr is 2024

Blick on the first second Monate: Der Konzernumsatz sank initially Halbjahr in Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum a 7.5 Prozent on 9 Billiarden Euro – roads of Majorel-Verkaufs. Dies außer Acht welden, lay das organic Umsatzwachstum at 3.7 Prozent. The Konzernergebnis cost an amount of 60 percent at 416 million euros (Halbjahr 2023: 260 million euros).

Bertelsmann employs more than 80,000 employees and is available for all employees for their medical and business activities. Zum Portfolio was compiled by the RTL Group with TV-Sendern and Zeitschrifts with “Stern” and “Geo” as well as the Buch-Verlagsgruppe Penguin Random House. Zum Konzern zählen zudem Geschäftsbereiche wie serviceleistungen von Arvato, the music parte BMG and Bildungs-, Gesundheits-sowie Investment Aktivitäten.

USA offers greater Umsatzbringer

The North Rhine-Westphalia group is an international struggle, the US has become increasingly important in the years. Bertelsmann chief Rabe said of the German press agent: “Etwa 50 percent of our investments are in the USA.” Think of the production company Fremantle, the Buchmarkt, the Bereich Musik, Arvato and the Bildungsgeschäft. “We have made a large part of the American investments.”

The US has become a major market for Bertelsmann. Rabe stressed: “It’s a continuous development, not a snapshot.” When the problem was solved, it became a man in digital health care in the US.

2011 was 13.6 Prozent from the American government after the company in Halbjahr. 2017 was 20.7 Prozent. It was Halbjahr who lagged behind for years at 28.4 Prozent. Zum Vergleich: Der auf Deutschland bezogene Umsatzanteil was 28.2 Prozent.