
Hotelier believes that Sterne-Hotel will be ready for the start of the ski season

Hotelier believes that Sterne-Hotel will be ready for the start of the ski season

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Hotelier believes that Sterne-Hotel will be ready for the start of the ski season
The Rudolfshütte is located in the Weissensee ski area in winter. © EIBNER/EXPA/Juergen_Feichter via

The Rudolfshütte, which is located in the highest hotels in Austria, has been closed. A world conflict in the area with one of the best choices is the background.

Uttendorf – In 2315 Metern Höhe schlafen and gleich nach de Frühstück a Spaziergang machchen eenen idyllic Bergsee – or in Winter sofort with Skiern start in the Pulverschnee. In the Hohen Tauern war until the end of September there is no problem: The Rudolfshütte – a larger three star hotel complex with over 350 betten, indoor climbing park, indoor pool and spa landscape directly on the border of the Hohe Tauern National Park.

A small mountain hut, a leisure complex with Hunderten Betten at an altitude of 2,300 meters

A “Hütte” is also one of the complex paths. Ursprünglich gab es aber tatsächlich a in a winziges Schutzhaus with 38 Quadratmetern Grundfläche, das bis 1899 auf 200 Quadratmeter erweitert wurde – not larger, as a large family house. The Gebäude was launched in 1953 as a new direction for white goods. 1958 was founded by the Alpenverein Austria, the Wiener Sektion des österreichischen Alpenvereins ÖAV, an Ersatzbau 65 Meter über dem heutigen Stausee.

The Rudolfshütte sits enthroned above the Weißsee in the Hohen Tauern.
The Rudolfshütte sits enthroned above the Weißsee in the Hohen Tauern. © IMAGO/ Mair

In 1978, the hut was expanded with the ÖAV’s “Alpinzentrum Hohe Tauern-Rudolfshütte”. Around 1982, the Hütte war at the Hochgebirgsforschungsstätte of the University of Salzburg, at the Wetter- en Klimastation der österreichischen Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG). After the hut was sold, the hotelier Wilfried Holleis from Zell am See was sold in 2004. Holleis build the Berghaus after owning the day for beef 13 Million Euro in the leisure paradise um. So there will quickly be millions of euros invested in the mountain railways, which will run there. The Weißsee is located in a ski area.

The hotelier wants more: 2011 is laut ORF Erstmals die Erweiterung des Berghotels. When doubling the Fläche and Kubatur, it can all happen from 30 Zimmer. “The construction war is überdimensioniert,” said Environmental Wältin Gishild Schaufler zur APA. The disruption occurred at the 580 Gäste innerhalb des Neubaus in 2023.

Streit um Hotel-Ausbau in Österreich: Betreiberkracht Rudolfshütte zu – for a Euro zu purchase

The Salzburger Landesumweltanwaltschaft explains its massive Kapazitätsausweitung quer. More guests have a high-sensitivity alpine area in the area, it is a better storage of the Tierwelt and vegetation. “If zoological conditions were present, it was necessary to ensure the successful development of the natural bird art,” this is what it is. It is possible that the Environmental Management was taken care of today, that is, the environment and environmental protection approach was taken into account.

The Rudolfshütte in the Hohen Tauern has its own Seilbahn.
The Rudolfshütte in the Hohen Tauern has its own Seilbahn. © ximagoDensx via

Holleis erklärte Ende September im ORF: “Now is the time, we will be able to do this, we will not be able to do more justice, we will invest more and we will not have to invest in the political context of a new development at the Weißsee.” Then, when other glacier ski areas in the Austrian Regions start in the Saison, the power that closes Rudolfshütte . Holleis more: “Wir schließen mit dem End des Sommerbetriebs endgültig. I see that I left the Weißsee Gletscherwelt and became the Gesellschaften liquidieren.“ A symbolic Euro-würde is the business purchase. The community can call Uttendorf’s Bürgermeister Hannes Lerchbaumer (SPÖ) the Betrieb aber nicht school.

The Salzburg Region is currently new to the Rudolfshütte region – there are about 60 Jobs

For the region there is a economic backlog, 60 working places have been affected, 60,000 overnight stays for years ago. Darum versuchen de Kommunalpolitik und de Landesregierung in Salzburg, das Berghotel zu retten. Landeshauptmann (initiator of the German Prime Ministers) Wilfried Haslauer (ÖVP) told an investment group last week that was interested in the Weiterbetrieb. Details are not true. In the hotel it is an end to this Woche zu erwarten. The Time of Day: In December, the Rudolfshütte gewöhnlicherweise started in the winter period. Am Hochstein in Osttirol entered the winter period with Sicherheit aus, a “major catastrophe” for the affected industry in Skiort.