
SC Freiburg in Team Check: Ausfall von Kapitänin Kayikci schmerzt – Fußball

SC Freiburg in Team Check: Ausfall von Kapitänin Kayikci schmerzt – Fußball

After the breakthroughs and the defeat of Kapitänin Kayikci, which started the SC-Frauen with a reduction, the young Kader and the new interim coach Nico Schneck will start in the 2024/25 season.

So you can stay safe in Freiburg with the lost Saison nicht signal. When the time finally comes, it is often the case that the “gesicherte Platz in Mittelfeld” is used, while the SC fraud lies a bit. Neben der Chancenverwertung zählte auch die Abwehr zu den Problemzones: 44 Gegentore standsen am Ende zu Buche. Trotz toller Kulisse in the Dreisamstadion is full of two sieges in front of a secret audience, so that the Leistungen teams from a number of tables.

Freiburg starts with small Kader in the new Saison

That’s how you start the new season in Freiburg, even more if you have verzeichnen. Players are still not suitable for a comfortable cadre, chief coach Nico Schneck is the following: “We have been a Bundesliga-taugliche, very good first eleven auf jeden Fall. We can probably not quite get away from the bench like that. And we also don’t have The situation, if the players have ended up in the stands, it is so big that it is not positive or negative if it is a smaller fact, it is a tatsache.

Ausfall von Kapitänin Hasret Kayikci nach Verletzung “nicht zu compensations”

That is where the Sport-Club has a poor rise of successes: Mittelfeld player Janina Minge is ably competing for the vice-champion in Wolfsburg, the national player could provide stability in the problem area of ​​the Abwehr organization. With Judith Steinert, the Union Berlin woman, the Sport-Club loses another Stammkraft. They play with Luisa Wensing and Kim Fellhauer two experienced playground equipment. You have been in your career.


Hasret Kayikci, the Kapitänin of SC Freiburg

Football | Women’s Bundesliga
Hiobsbotschaft für den SC Freiburg: Kapitänin Hasret Kayikci was out for a long time

Kapitänin Hasret Kayikci from Fußball-Bundesligist SC Freiburg has made a great Kniefletzung-zuzukte. The record player has been out for a long time.

Sports compact

SWR1 Baden-Württemberg

No Question has also taken a look at the trainers in the context of the “Quality loss”. When the injury of top scorer Hasret Kayicki began, the Kreuzband said that it would take a long time: “That is a captain and experienced player. That is all right, especially when you still have a young team. It is a fallacy there, that It is not that it is a compensation and that it is not so,” said Nico Schneck.

All exits in the overview
Janina Minge VfL Wolfsburg
Judith Steinert Union Berlin
Milla Punsar FC Honka
Giovanna Hoffmann RB Leipzig
Chiara Bouziane 1. FSV Mainz 05
Gabrielle Lambert association-free
Luisa Wensing Career end
Kim Fellhauer Career end

There is a good chance that the opportunity will arise

Deutlich jünger is the man of the sports clubs of the Entwicklungen on the Transfermarkt in the new season: Gleich drei Spielerinnen sees Freiburg from the 2. Bundesliga, among others the 16-year-old eigengewächs Maj Schneider who the U-19-Nationalspielerin Tessa Blumenberg from Wolfsburg . Mit Julia Stierlie from FC Zurich has played the men on a defensive basis. The big 27s may have a greater chance if inner digestibility occurs. Ebenfall’s friends travel to Freiburg over the Rückkehr von Mittelfeldspielerin Nia Szenk in Basel.

All views in the overview
Tessa Blumenberg VfL Wolfsburg II
Julia Stierli FC Zurich Women
Nia Szenk FC Basel 1893
Nicole Ojukwu First Viennese FC 1894
Noreen Günnewig SV Meppen
Shekiera Martinez Westham United (Leihe)
Major Schneider SC Freiburg II

New head coach Nico Schneck enjoys the young, hungry Mannschaft

“That is the reason why we are so eager, that we are willing to pay for it, that we are able to achieve extra-einheiten zu machen. In the work that we are willing to do, it is necessary to ensure that our work is morally good,” said Nico Schneck, of the new employees. at SC ist: Since July, Theresa Merk has taken the post of chief trainer, with the schangerschaft and the Mutterschutz. The 36-year war will take place for the DFB as co-trainer of the U-16 Junior team, who comes from the South and knows the Freiburg Region.

With a seasonal soul, Schneck will not be up to date: “Of course it is tough, so it can be that you get a rauszukommen and points to join together”, so Schneck in an interview with SWR Sport. If you are in the personal situation, the man is a rhythm finder and a game that is at stake.

SC-Frauen wollen Fans more Heimsiege give

A Soul for the Coming Saison is a celebration and black of Seiten der Spielerinnen: More Siege for secret Publikum. Die Fans, zu Kapitänin Hasret Kayikci in SWR-Format “Dein SCF, hätten die ganze vergangene Saison über für good Stimmung gesorgt. “Wir hatten a schwieerde Phase über das ganze Jahr, aber ich habe nicht een schlechten Satz von den Zuschauern gehört, obwohl we also lost games”, so that Kapitänin.

If the game is on the Samstag by Bayer Leverkusen at Gast in the Dreisamstadion, the SC frauen can give their fans a first Heimsieg. Ebenfalls im Visier: A new Zuschauerrekord to be drawn up. A total of 42,000 fans will be roaring in the coming seasons. Moreover, it is clear: “I am my own person, that is why we are cool fans and the record dies well.”