
What is the gold plated Freitag, der 13. eigentlich als “Unglückstag”?

What is the gold plated Freitag, der 13. eigentlich als “Unglückstag”?

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Not in Vorfeld zum Geburtstag gratulieren, beim “Prost” in the Augen-schauen, not a set-up Leitern through the country – you get the Mixed Traditions, which themselves auf Aberglauben zurückführen weld. Please note that there is nothing you can do. There is a problem that you can achieve when you perform salz or holz attacks.

The American Aberglaube test is one of the best dates: Freitag, der 13. Wir clarified euch, welche Ursprünge der Tag hat and warum man sich nicht fürchten muss.

Was it with Freitag, dem 13. on its own?

Freitag, of 13., started in Volksglauben as “Unglückstag”. Manche Menschen since der zeugung, dass ihnen en diesem Tag besonderen fell Unglück driet. So that’s it Friday, the 13th. find the thoughts of a single and high threshold for years.

For the holiday home, from 13., it is necessary to continue with the clearing of names: Paraskavedekatriaphobie! A ganz schöner Zungenbrecher, or? People, the phobia is affected by a longer period of termine or travel ab.

Passing in the Freitag, dem 13. tatsächlich more Unglücke?

Bring the Freitag to the 13th place. Is it possible that the Sorge is unprocessed? Finally, a Freitag, on the 13th, is unfortunate, such as the sinking of the Costa Cocordia or the aircraft landing gear of Machines Flight 571 from Uruguay and the Russian Aeroflot 217.

Glücklicherweise gibt is one of the “Unglückstag”, wenigstens in Straßenverkehr, keinen Grund zur Sorge. This is not the case with the heavy traffic as well as the other tags, which the ADAC reports: “Aberglaube, böse Vorahnungen oder Ängste rund um Freitag, op 13., sind – zumindest was Zahl der Verkehrsunfälle betrifft – unbegründet.”

Woman in the rain Credit: GettyImages

Auch die Zahl der Personen-, Sachoder Vermögensschäden steigen nicht an. Ein Sprecher des Versicherers Zurich Group erklärt: „The Zahl der Schadenfälle, which were reported on a single Freitag, den 13., lie im longjährigen Mittel auf a ähnlichen Niveau wie an all others Freitagen.“

Self-fulfilled prophetic and free time, of the 13.

Now that the day has passed, people are very happy to be there, because they are happy at the holidays, on 13.09. It may happen that a predictive value arises in the future.

Prof. Dr. Jens Förster von der Ruhr Universiät Bochum erklärt: “Man thinks, that is what is best, and it is best passionrt. I am Fall von Freitag, dem 13. etwas Schlimmes.”

If the social psychologists have learned it, it is so that man has done such an investigation, and before he has done this, just like others. So it was an unfall – and those things were then on the Unlucky Day backfired. The prophecy comes true.

Do you want to visit the Aberglaube on Friday, the 13th?

The origin of the day is not entirely clear. A single warning is given:

Jesus and his apostle
Zum een ​​gibt is the theory, that’s it Friday, the 13th. with the Verrat Jesu durch Judas zeeammenhängen könnte. This is the way in which Mathias has used the Kirchenlexikon of the NDR by a Mann name. Judas lived with his children.

Because the Bible was praised as Satan for Judas Stories, the Tag was called another evil deception, as Pastor Oliver Vorwald writes for the NDR.

The Friday would associate with the Cross Jesus, dying and this Day stattfand. Therefore Tod will enter on Karfreitag.

Reading from the Bible
Other theories emerged in Bible history, with a report from National Geographics: Eve soll Adam and a Freitag-dazu brought the verbotene fruits of the costs. And Abel sees Bruder Kain in a Freitag, on 13., go home.

The Untergang der Tempelritter
Der Französische King Philipp IV. soll an einem Freitag, den 13., in a great angelic action of the French Tempelritter, including the Großmeisters Jacques de Molay, geordert haben.

Rund 1,000 Ordenshäuser sollen von diesem historical Ereignis affected gewesen signal. Einschneidendes Ereignis, das bis heute in de Geschichtsbüchern nachzulesen ist.

Explanation of numerology
There is no other experience from numerology and also from the symbol of the Zahlen. Triskaidekaphobia is caused by the Zahl 13. And this can hang Thomas Fernsler of the University of Delaware with his position on 13 after the Zahl Zwölf.

In numerology, these are a “complete” number, which was reflected, among other things, in the monates of the years, the Sternzeichen, the Apostle Jesus or the Olympic Göttern. Laut Fernsler sei die Dreizehn “just beyond completeness”, also gerade außerhalb dieser Vollkommenheit, who is on the website of the Universität nachzulesen.

Freitag der 13. in other Kulturen

The Position of the Three is not in all cultures a bad omen! In Japan it is a lucky number. Here you will find the statistics of the number Four Unheil, if you see the word “Tod”.

And with their Jewish glauben, the Zahl is gilded as Symbol Gottes – also as glückliches Zeichen. Tatsächlich ist Freitag, der 13. here is a Glückstag, who reports the Augsburger Allgemeine.

Many Spanish states – and Greece – where the three countries can count on the question of whether there is now a service, if it has fallen on a service. In Italian it is Freitag, der 17., ein Schreckenstag.

Aberglauben around the world

The Aberglauben of the black cat know their whole life. Is it possible to follow the tradition?

  • Scotland: Green Clothing is taboo at High Times. It brought a few things to the Braut couple, when the Elves withdrew and this man no longer acquired.
  • If: There are no Thursdays or Saturdays cut. The fingernails are Tuesdays, Saturdays and at night not a good idea.
  • France: Tritt man mit dem linksen Fuß in een Hundehaufen, bring das Glück. This tradition originated in the schauspielerei haben.
  • Great Britain: Begegnet man een Elster, sollte man diese grüßen, um Bad luck abzuwenden. Die Grußformel lautet: “Good morning Mr. Magpie. How is your wife today?”
  • Russia: Damit die Reise gelingt, muss man sich vor dem Antritt auf de Suitcase setzen. That’s the way to travel.
  • Poland: Here the bags have disappeared to the bottom. The Aberglaube realizes that man then loses money. Statistics keep the accessory on a chair or the chair.

And above all, the right lust for the credible film „Freitag, der 13.” – or an eleven Fortsetzungen – have obtained: You can find the film another on Amazon as DVD* or on Amazon Prime*

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