
Angriff auf orthodoxen Juden in Davos: Es were zwei Asylbewerber

Angriff auf orthodoxen Juden in Davos: Es were zwei Asylbewerber

Shortly after the attack, the police were able to ban both men’s parties. The Israeli community has disappeared, the Islamic anti-Semitism severity is no greater than an entire government group that stigmatizes.

A Jewish Orthodox guest in Davos wurde von two Asylbewerbern engriffen (Symbolbild).

A Jewish Orthodox guest in Davos wurde von two Asylbewerbern engriffen (Symbolbild).

Gian Ehrenzeller / Keystone

Der Vorfall in der Nacht op letzten Freitag schockierte: Zwei Manner griffen einen 19-jährigen Orthodox Jews in Davos an. Let the possibilities of the options exist and simmer them into one. The court sollen auch «Free Palestine» has taken place. There is a war going on between the anti-Semitic domination in Switzerland der letzten Jahre.

Nun is clear, we will die. Nor during the night, the Cantonal Police Graubünden did not allow asylum seekers, who would be present at Donnerstag. The local police department has reported that a more Jewish holiday home from Two will help a number of men to rejoice. Kurz darauf connten die alarmierten Einsatzkräfte des Polizeistützpunktes Davos two suspicious men and the Grüenisträfte in Davos Platz.

These versions are a control that does not apply. Both men are arrested. There is trading with a 24-year-old and a 29-year-old with a state guarantee at the Ausreisezentrum Flüeli in Valzeina, a town above Zizers.

For the Diebstahltour

Together with the authorities of the Cantonal Police in Graubünden, they both stehen an urgent Tatsuspect, the Jewish Orthodox Mann from Grossbritannien am Freitag kurz zu haben hr tätlich angegriffen. If you start at Davos Platz during the night, the first stage of cooking begins. With the help of the State Public Health Service, the Graubünden Cantonment Police was contacted by the Communiqué, and the two men were more likely to intervene. Diesbezügliche Ermittlungen laufen.

Jonathan Kreutner, of the General Secretary of the Swiss Israelite Community (SIG), explained on request, is reputed to know, the police have been on the mountain riff who did that. It is so that many different things have happened, the police who have left the police, have been nachdrücklich vorangetrieben habe.

If the old Jewish man speaks out about the language of French and Arabic, he will also have a Muslim land tribe. “Here says that anti-Semitism in Switzerland can change the facets of the different environment,” Kreutner said.

Angry at Muslims

There is an anti-Semitic battle in Switzerland on October 7, 2023 and the Hamas terrorist group in Israel is dramatically following the military action of the Israeli army in Gaza. Heavy painting of the SIG at a time when the country is small, Islamic anti-Semitism in Switzerland is generally more fearful or is treated like Jew-hatred other expressions.

“Then there is a physical attack against Jews from the Arab countries. If the seriousness of the matter is greater, this problem has arisen in solving and resolving problems, while you pause, Kreutner concretely. Here the whole business is busy, the seriousness of the problem is solved and no longer tolerated – it is not that the whole groups stigmatize.

If you see that Kreutner is a Zufall, then the attack in Davos is a stattgefunden hat, jenem Ort, der in letzter Zeit immer wieder mit judenfeindlichen Bekundungen aufgefallen ist. “It is nice to do passion in Zurich or Basel, with the Jewish tourism that is present in the future”, he explains.