
Eine 19-Jährige erobert die mannerdomäne der Informationselektronik

Eine 19-Jährige erobert die mannerdomäne der Informationselektronik

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Eine 19-Jährige erobert die mannerdomäne der Informationselektronik
If the jewel offers a suitable system, Kira Fischer begins the handiwork of the most common strokes. © aro

Kira Fischer has no male dominant position in the information selection. When Job fasziniert, he was in the summer series “Was macht die / der denn da”.

Durlangen. Summertime is Urlaubszeit. After you have spent the summer, you can study for a while in private, institutional and Betriebe lessons. Above all, human life, animals and substances are unconditionally protected. If you give information selection and information selection with Kira Fischer from Durlangen, who with the more modern electronics, higher chess knowledge and practical work that cares, that house, home and practical buildings were protected from Einbruch, Feuer and Rauch.

Tipp aus der Feuerwehr und von Bekannten

The 19-year-old is grown up with many animals, horses, ponies, dog and cat belong to the different house. The young woman has put her best foot forward on a Tätigkeit with layered prepositions. The most important thing is that your desired commotion is the first of the complete execution of the sale, erzählt sie. You can fight a big war all year round and make a bigger trip with Kira than with the information selection in Berührung. A Beknter has the opportunity to increase the brand name.

Nur two weibliche Berufsschülerinnen

In the Ferien that is absolutely free from a voluntary practice at the Firma Dietrich Sicherheitstechnik in Urbach, the practice has such a soft feeling, there is Kira, who after the debt schluss then bekam an Ausbildungsplatz at the Firma Dietrich in Urbach. From the round 30 Berufsschülern, which Ihr in Esslingen/Zell the Berufsschulbank drücken seien, empty two weiblich, therezählt sie. If the company in Urbach goes a little further, the service of the inheritance orderlichen Sicherheitssysteme is einbaut.

I will come in February and I will be able to abschließen, then lie three times a day. It would be nice to be able to carry on with your duties during the emergency service.

Small, clever Einbruchsverhinderer

Kira installs the unmanaged Security System in Privathäusern and other Gebäuden. If you report a notification, it will be in the unused Ausführungen function. The clever little “Einbruchsverhinderer” can be controlled with the help of the Movement Sensor, while the unintended Movements Alarm can be resolved, he says and understand, the different Arten von Kontaktgebern and Sensoren, which are easily reacted, are therefore unbefugte an Tür and Tor zu macching. Fire and Fire Alerts prevent serious falls from occurring.

System was “scharf” schaltet

Kira builds a system, programs the program and makes it “scharf”. When an alarm is triggered, the message in the alarm system is activated during an acoustic signal and the alarm signals are switched off. Often the alarm systems are switched off by triggering an alarm system and making a connection to the Grundstück, while the fault occurs. By Kira an alarm message is connected directly to smartphones or a notification service at the Sicherheitsdienst or the police. A slight reaction has occurred.

Was Kira an ihrem Beruf-begeistert? “The Combination of Mathematics, Physics, Fingerspitzengefühl and handwerklichem Können,” said. If the Ausbildung with Kira on the Kunden, wellches System jeweils is geeignet. If individual beds are used this is a major problem.

Mädels für den Beruf begeistern

If Kira can get a debt class of her job messages and thus more hoffen, then her papers can be read more. Kira Fischer finds it increasingly exciting, who the system coheres. The passgenaue installation and the prices are carried out by Freude. When the end of the world is a fact, the Heim is geschaffen, “is the Kronung”, versichert the old information selection with a certain area of ​​Brandschutz and Gefahrenmeldeanlagen.