
Anyone who sees a German Kirchengemeinde in Rio will end up in the end

Anyone who sees a German Kirchengemeinde in Rio will end up in the end

“Wirleben in der Kirche radical Veränderungen, die auch an unserer smallen Gemeinde nicht spurlos vorübergeht”, writes Gemeindedirector Dieter Buschle in a Bildband, de annlässlich des 80. Geburtstagstagstags des Gemeindepräsidenten Jürgen Wischermann previouss Jahr aufgelegt hat. The Angesprochenen Entwicklungen are not new in the Grunde and in general: the Bindung der Menschen and the Kirche Schwidet, the Gottesdienst and the Gemeinde lose for a beddeutung. And in Rio comes erschweerde hinzu, the German language from the Auslandsgemeinde can no longer last that long. I am gegenteil: Everything stirs the community, quickly every month for 80 years or more.

Dabei hat St. Boniface a blue Verleidingenheit erlebt. Gegründet worked in 1934 after the Brazilian entsandte Pastor Bernhard Hagedorn from Warendorf. Hagedorn was published in 1959 in Brazil, with the exception of the “Deutsche Wochenblatt”, a German newspaper, adapted film production, and a large church choir. In March 1959, Willen was born from Rio in the Heimat abberufen, where now no Wochen später in the Sakristei seiner Heimatgemeinde verstarb.

In the 1950s, when the Gemeinde began, Sitz was in the Rua do Bispo in the war of the Maracana Stadiums, a charity center, where they had a children’s house in a hotel relationship. 38 Angestellte work there and accommodate up to 200 guests. In the 1960s, the Bonifatius-Gemeinde was out of its commitment, replaced by Father Otto Ammann of the Waisenhaus “Lar da Criança”. In the 1970s, Jahren ended up in a nursery school, the “Colegio Cruzeiro”, English. The house in the Rua Sao Clemente, nor the pastor Hagedorn, was bought and his son of the Gemeindehaus with Chapel, war with the time point of the Wohnhaus of the jewel-spirited.

Pfarrer and Geschäftsleitung can no longer compete

Der Gemeinde prosperierte. The Mitglieder was zahlreich and his erhielt his financial unterstützung vom Auslandsreferat der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz, die auch für das geistliche Personal in Rio kind. “That is the longest history,” said Dieter Buschle heute. There is an end to the end of the years, the family celebrations have been active in Kirchenvorstand since 1981. Kurz vor der Jahrtausendwende ist damit Schluss. Man has become personal, but if man no longer lives in Ausland, he will be rewarded. We left Pfarrer Bernhard Volkmer und een Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung-verlassen die Gemeinde 1995 Knall auf Fall und tauchten niet wieder auf.

If Seelsorger has a bad and thus has power over the Bonifatius community, he himself becomes a personal person. Was once a while ago, when I was for the short Dauer – zuletzt immer schlechter, ab 2003 gar nicht mehr. Jürgen Wischermann has not even done such an investigation and discovered how the fathers can separate. Aktuell is one of the Gottesdiensten, nor a single monarch of an Ordensbruder, after he had put his father Josef Hortal on 90.

Community Director Dieter Buschle in the Chapel of the Bonifatius Community
Image: ©Andreas Nöthen

Seit Jahrzehnten is Dieter Buschle der deutschsprachigen Bonifatius-Gemeinde in Rio de Janeiro. The fungus is a common director.

In the Nordzone, if the Caritas Center is not in the time of the Kriminalität, the Gaste in Hotel will blow, the Einnahmen will sink. The Vorstand entschließt sich, das Gebäude und das Krankenhaus “Casa do Portugal” was designed to furnish an oncological station.

In 1990 the Gemeinde started to become a Waisenhaus for another time. If you can spare the costs, go to Pfarrer Franz Neumeyer in the city of Nitero, the Rio de Janiero and the Guanabarabucht are located, with the Bau des Hotels “Solar do Amanhecer”, under the name Morgensonne. However, these Einrichtungen sollen nicht mehr long in Betrieb bleiben.

Ziel der Gemeinde trotz Verkleinerung gleich

The St. Bonifatiusgemeinde began its downsizing, concentrated itself there, the former priest’s house in Botafogo as a community center to be renovated. Dieter Buschle, director of the municipality and engineer, has developed a master plan for the Umbau and worked for more than 100 years on the undisputed Nechbarschaft of the German Schule Escola Alema Corcovado and the Favela Donna Marta. The other community center in the Rua do Bispo in the city center could finance the renovation.

Trotz Verkleinerung blieb das Ziel der Gemeinde besthen. “During the entire war, the community, children, young people and families in the Nachbarschaft Lebenshilfe and Mitgefühl were zu geben. And so it gets even better,” said Buschle. So now stand in the Favela in the Mittelpunkt der Jugendarbeit. 60 children in St. Boniface regularly play games, play or learn a musical instrument.

In the light of a window you can see that the reflective glasses and the hand in front of the chest are a human being.
Image: ©ipopba/ (Symbolbild)

Evangelikale Pfingstkirchen has been working on the Vormarsch in Brazil for a year. They want to erwerben a Gemeindehaus der Bonifatius-Gemeinde. In letzter Sekunde fand itself with an öffentlichen Schule aber ein Käufer, der der Gemeinde best gefiel.

When you engage the viscera, it ends and you change. “Wir kommen in een alter, in dem sech the Zipperlein häufen and the financial situation of the community is also changing”, Jürgen Wischermann describes the current situation. “Wir haben keine Neuzugänge more.”

The meaning: Also the Bonifatius House in Botafogo is in particular too big and too small. Irgendwann has shifted the money of the community, where a sale has become an unusable. The Kamen Buschle, Wischermann and the Gemeindemitglieder are: their boats on the real estate market on the real estate market.

Schule statt Pfingstkirche as Immobilienkäufer

Interessent is about the question: The evangelical Pfingstkirche of Igreja Universal, in Brazil, is busy for years with expansion cards, interesting for the house, a long history for the future. Your plan wars, the construction process was stopped and a temple for 2000 was built. For the members of the Bonifatius-Gemeinde a friendly thank you.

Kurz bevor der Notartermin nahte, an Anruf a befriended person, the Leader of Cruzeiro School in Rio de Janeiro, an öffentliche School with Sprachschwerpunkt Deutsch. This war will last longer than a child in school. Do you feel that the Gemeinde is the best buy? Schnell was a man himself.

Nun brauchte is nur noch einen new Ort für die Gottesdienste. The fans of Buschle and Wischermann are located: 200 meters further down the Straße, in the Schule der Schwestern von Lourdes. What happens next? “Unsere Aufgabe is nun herauszufinden, was zu tun ist, um der Gemeinde neues Leben einzuhauchen”, says Dieter Buschle. After you do this, this is not the case.

By Andreas Nöthen