
Autonomous Assistant for Inspections and Fahrerassistenzsysteme-Prüfung

Autonomous Assistant for Inspections and Fahrerassistenzsysteme-Prüfung

sponsoredVehicle inspection
“MAIA, caliber, but beautiful car!”

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An autonomous assistant, the typical characteristic inspections during the execution of a system test, the Prüfung of Fahrerassistenzsystemen to real conditions are slightly different in nature. Maschinenbauer MAHA is defined as one of the most important segments in the new Fahrzeugprüfung.

MAHA Autonomous Inspection Assistant (MAIA)
MAHA Autonomous Inspection Assistant (MAIA)

(Image: MAHA Maschinenbau Haldenwang GmbH & Co. KG | dec3 GmbH & Co. KG)

Please see below: Während Harry, der Hile Partner van Kommissar Derrick unter zijnm Darin war, auf Anordnung the Einsatzwagen der both fast and ohne Murren zu holen, können analog bald auch Kfz-Werkstätten von einem fleißigen, seinen Dienst eigenständig and klglos preparatory Assistants profitable: MAIA. There comes from the house MAHA and he comes with the name “MAHA Autonomer Inspektions Assistent”. There is a combination of the Maschinenbau-Know-how of the Allgäuer Werkstatt- und Inspektionstellen-Ausrüsters with dessen Wissen und Erfahrung in Sachen autonomous Technologies. If it is good: Work and vehicle tests with new technologies that do the job, or it may be that these will be adapted under the right circumstances.

Who? Quite simply! MAIA is a robot that offers a typical characteristic way of producing and manipulating and that autonomy, that is self-reliant, over time. There is the best choice of a very flexible, direct-leg driving platform on one of the three thresholds, with the free height of the arm. If you go looking for the throne of a head, you can enjoy a room and laser party in the Blick hat, and MAIA so a price and a way to see how light it is. This can be a way to create a location yourself, identify an identification and a knittable palette.

MAHA Adaptive System Tester (MAST)
MAHA Adaptive System Tester (MAST)

(Image: MAHA Maschinenbau Haldenwang GmbH & Co. KG)

Thanks to the modular design and control, “Signal Harry” can be an efficient and efficient way to use different types of vehicles and to provide for disinterested inspections – the helper in vehicles is not so handy here. All in all, the autonomous assistant of MAHA is only the time and cost wall in a service, there is nothing wrong with executing and checking messages, diagnostics and calibrations. Another potential generated MAIA’s quality, when it comes to the best digital management system linked to the weld, was an efficient data processing, -verwaltung and -analyse ermöglicht.

Fahrerassistenzsysteme under Realbedingungen prüfen

Digital technology can improve your modern vehicle’s Assistenzsysteme – kurz “FAS” bzw. english „ADAS“ ​​​​– zu useful. I will wait and see who is white. And if you no longer see the herausforderung, it is a one-wall-free function of your work. It has never been fatal if a wrong assistant from Brems, or a mangle that functions as a shop assistant. Black gibt is a self-invented property of longer prerichtungen, a room, radar, lidar and ultrascale sensors of calibration, beispielsweise after an Unfall or an Austausch. But das Nichtaufleuchten irgendwelcher Kontrollleuchten bzw. an “I. O. “Ergebnis in de Rahmen is a faulty storage issue that has caused 100 percent of the problems, by the system in practice of a fault-free work, so who man is erwartet. In this “Wissenslücke” you will now find MAST, of the “MAHA Adaptive System Tester”.

On the roller bench, the assistance systems can use your Pkw and Transporters to perform a configuration condition for your single-wall free function. The Clou: MAST is possible due to the use of Over-The-Air (OTA) technology without direct connection to the vehicle tax collectors. These features of the MAHA test are described in the test process and are reduced to a typical problem in a few minutes. Install the new system in Efficiency and Precision at a FAS test.

The modular construction of MAST ensures user-friendly and intuitive operation, which quickly and uncomplicatedly creates a simple palette of different types and models. This flexibility and the view of specific diagnoses are high on the Wirtschaftlichkeit, which saves costs. Before all adaptive system testers perform their cost-intensive personal tests: Long-term and never problem-solving problem in the long term, the MAST were completely überfüssig.

Where about MAIA and MAST are possible, that is the first part of the Automechanika in Frankfurt Gelegenheit (Halle 8, Stand C06/C07 and Freigelände F10, Stand K30.

Both products have been nominated for the Automechanika Innovation Awards.
