
Merzt first for the Umsetzung von Suspendierungen bis Dienstag

Merzt first for the Umsetzung von Suspendierungen bis Dienstag

– Merz setzt Für die Ablehnung von Straßenlaternen bis Dienstag.

In the discussion, the best migrants and cross-border migrants from the CDU circle Friedrich Merz of the coalition government of a first to the service have come. If the Federal Government is not even a party, the uncontrolled travel and the Borders can stop and die, while we still make a trip, zurückzuweisen, further negotiations with the Federal Government sense, erklarte Merz at an event in Brandenburg an der Havel.

The Prince of the Union in the Bundestag has the task of going through the migration and internal migration flows – a special date – a specific date. But do not take a confidential discussion part. Take parts were Treacherous Ampelkolitietof the Bundesländer and of the Union.

The Union government after the Rückführungen is hit by the SPD criticism. “There is a security plan with the Ampel colony, and you have the Union Forderungen and Wir Prüfen, with their excessive impulses,” said party chief Lars Klingbeil in RTL and ntv-“Frühstart”. “Aber we sollten thatse Verhandlungen nicht von außen mit Forderungen or der Ultimaten erzwingen.”

In the blessing of freedom from clear Merz, the legality of Rückführungen not more infringement was stated were müsse. “Those Genehmigungen, that is possible, lie in the Federal Ministry of Justice and in the Federal Ministry of Justice.”

The Lower Saxony SPD Internal Minister Daniela Behrens, who at the Berlin Migration Consultation Meeting, said: “If it is legal, it is possible – and that it has been thoroughly tested – then sollten we will be fine”, says that “it -online”. “I am happy that the SPD regimes in the country can be better represented.”

Irene Mihalic, the political speaker of the Greens, has written to the Funke-Mediengruppen-Zeitungen: “Asylum workers can no longer exercise European rights, the Dublin Association has been gilded and the responsible Mitgliedstate would be bestimmt for the asylum seekers. practically one of the Grenze nicht umsetzbar.”

The argumentation of the CDU/CSU faction proves the quarrel directly at the border with the best rights. After the Dublin regime, it is normal in the country that one of the migrants-first in Europe focuses on the asylum seeker life.

One of the best-rated Federal Ministries of the Interior, the Rückführungen, is one of the German Border Statistics. In October last year, 30,000 people were expelled. From October 2023, border controls will begin in Poland, the Czech Republic and Switzerland, and from September 2015 at the German border. It is possible that you can use an asylum permit or an entry permit.

The municipalities demandMeanwhile, the municipalities demand participation in cross-party talks. “Because integration takes place at the local level,” said André Berghegger, director of the German Association of Cities and Municipalities, on Deutschlandfunk. Many people are taken in, housed, cared for and integrated here.

Immigration must decrease, municipalities have reached their capacity limit, the CEO stressed. Housing is full, staff is limited and the integration of volunteers is exhausted.

The German Association of Cities and Municipalities called for a change in migration policy in a position paper. The absorption and integration capacity of municipalities is exhausted, the association stated. Therefore, a strict restriction of irregular migration is “urgently necessary”. The association welcomed the security package of the federal government that was presented at the end of August – although it lacks a comprehensive concept for a fundamentally different migration policy. According to the association of cities and municipalities, subsidiary protection status for refugees must be abolished, the number of deportations – also to Syria and Afghanistan – must be increased and border controls must be continued.

The SPD wants to discuss the security package in the Bundestag for the first time next week, as decided by the executive board of the parliamentary group in preparation for their withdrawal. “The government has agreed to tighten gun laws, expand the powers of security authorities and take further measures to curb illegal migration. The Federal Ministry of the Interior has announced that it will present draft laws within a few days.”

Criticism from CDU chairman Rhein and SPD chairman Wagenknecht

The chairman of the CDU conference of prime ministers, Boris Rhein (CDU), called for the implementation of previously agreed measures to contain irregular migration. “This is taking too long,” the premier of the state of Hesse told dpa. Chancellor Olaf Scholz must prioritize limiting migration.

SPD chairwoman Sahra Wagenknecht had a bleak assessment of Tuesday’s meeting. “This was not a migration summit, but a summit of job avoiders,” she told the Funke Media Group newspapers. She called for the proposals of the association of cities and municipalities to be implemented. “After this summit, it seems clear: the numbers will not decrease significantly until the federal elections, and the situation will continue to escalate,” Wagenknecht said.

FDP sees common ground

From another perspective, FDP parliamentary group leader Christian Dürr saw the discourse as “real dialogues of substance.” He shared with the German Press Agency: “We are all looking to resolve a societal dispute that has been going on for years. The dedication that all parties have shown in recent times gives me confidence that we can bring order and control to collective efforts in the area of ​​migration.”

The FDP representative Joachim Stamp plädierte für die Einstellung von Sozialleistungen für Personen, die ausreisen müssen. “These costs for a return ticket and a financial support in the future of a few hundred euros in future,” said Stamp, the former Integrations Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, the German Editorial Network. Stamp covers the Office of the Special Treaties of the Federal Government for Migration Submissions. There is concrete, but it is not an official position.

After the criticism of the SPD, more attention was paid to a space analysis of the position and opinion: “A fair basis for the Rückführungen will involve the debate on migration over a discussion on the Rückführungsrichtlinien.” Daniela Behrens said: “If European law could no longer do asylum settlement without the Border Failure being excluded, and the Dublin Ordinance, the asylum refusals would become a one-off.”

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