
The police used a number of cases in Mann, which were a Messer-schwingt in Bonn.

The police used a number of cases in Mann, which were a Messer-schwingt in Bonn.

The police used a number of cases in Mann, which were a Messer-schwingt in Bonn.

A Streit in Bonn is used as an exit for a violent alien change, when two people with a knife are injured. The Täter was then served in the following fast food restaurants of the Behörden parties, where a Beamter would most likely be his serviceman.

There is a good chance that the 32-year-old man and the 43-year-old woman have been identified. The woman has lighted the Verletzungen, while the Mann saw the Verletzungen-davontridge, but never came out again, that is Life in the Gefahr-war. Both victims were cutting and sticking wounds.

“Die Beteiligten kannten sich”

When you purchase the emergency medical care, the medical care will be taken care of and brought to the hospital. The Untersuchung des Einsatzes van Tödlicher Gewalt by the Polizisten gegen de Täter wurde a Polizei in Cologne übergeben, one die Unvoreingenommenheit zu gewährleisten.

Keep in mind that the meat and the possibilities go in another direction and that a war becomes a war, with a police spokesman. The Tatort could be sicherd with Absperrband. A Hubschrauber could get a eingesetzt, such a way of working will no longer be possible.

Moments such as the Behörden nach Beweisen, die mit dem Vorfall in Verbindung stehen. The Waffe could not make money, but the Polizei Mitteilte. The equipment is being muted in the second small bridge, causing the supply to go broke in Hauptstraße.

The police who were engaged in offering food and offering another side, was a much more personal motivation for the rolled uses afterwards. If the community, which is the Vorfall-führten, can resist, the Commission can carry out a gründliche Untersuchung-durchführen.

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